Almost A Nice Day!

I say ‘almost” cause the rain really started coming down right at 1621. And, of course my truck is parked outside. And, of course the driver’s side window is open. So, of course, I got soaked in the 10 seconds it took me to walk to the truck, roll the window up, and walk back into the garage. Thank you, Mother Nature.


Took Poop Dog to the groomer at 0930 this morning and picked him up at 1530. He looks like a completely different dog. Again. (We do this every Spring.) And it cost only $50 for his buzz-cut and shampoo. He sure was glad to get home though!

Renters still haven’t moved out and I have yet to see a moving truck of any kind pull in for them to get their shit loaded on to. Lying assholes. I’m charging them for each day they’re in the MILA. But they still need to get the hell out. Today.

Nothing much going on right now. Watching the News and just chillin’ until time to go pick SWMBO up. My Blood Pressure was “normal” again today. Installed and been playing with MS OneNote. Watching it rain. SSDD.


And that’s it. SWMBO is home safe and mostly sound. Been fed. I wrestled with the Dog. Almost time to go lay down and read awhile…

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