It’s Tuesday? Again?

Texas Job Interview

A man seeking to join a West Texas Sheriff’s Department is being interviewed.

The Deputy doing the interview says: “Your qualifications all look good, but there is an attitude suitability test that you must take before you can be accepted.”

Then, sliding a service pistol across the desk, he says: “Take this pistol and go out and shoot six illegal aliens, six meth dealers, six Muslim extremists, and a rabbit.”

“Why the rabbit?”

“Great attitude,” says the Sergeant. “When can you start ”

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Had One Of Those

"Wish I had taken that picture" moments yesterday. Was on my way to Olalla to pick up my friend Philip and take him to COSTCO, going down Lake Flora towards Lake Helena (or Lake Helena to Lake Flora, I always get those mixed up) when I see one of those signs that lets you know that a road crew is up ahead. A large orange diamond shaped sign (it’s really square but set up on one point) declaring "PREPARE TO STOP" and about 20 feet beyond it was the regular always-there STOP sign; and I’m thinking "Well…Duh!"

Channel 13 news has been "covering" some Barristas in some of the local (to Seattle) drive-through coffee stands that will "flash" for change. All kinds of uproar and Seattle (and surrounding towns) are changing their laws to make doing that obscene. Now, I don’t think that getting a "flash" for your change between consenting adults is a bad thing; long as there aren’t any kids around (even though we are sometimes way too protective of our kids). But the vocal minority & Government feel the need to jump in and create/change a law to "protect" us from ourselves. Now, I don’t drink much coffee; mainly only when I get a migraine headache, but if they ( the barristas) ever start doing that over Belfair way I just may drink more. :grin:

Not much else going on around here. Weather is getting really sucky. We actually had snow in the mountains yesterday. Damn! I have the feeling we’re going to see "heavier than normal" snowfall this year and it’s going to start by the end of October. Mark my words.

Oh, my desktop computer finally went major TU. I think it’s the power supply. Again. However, I can boot the thing and go into the BIOS to the PC Health Status tab and watch the core temp go from 98 degrees to 132 degrees in less than 2 minutes so it may not be the power supply. I just don’t know anymore. So when I go over to Bob’s this Saturday to download my shows I’ll stop by the EVGA folks and see if they have any suggestions. It should be under warranty and I’ve had the thing only 4 months. Glad I got this laptop when I did!

And, since my desktop is TU my internet access is limited to going to the Library or over to Bob’s house since I Will Not install that Verizon Wireless Access POS program on my laptop. It’s on SWMBO’s and it will not let her access the internet any other way. And it doesn’t work unless their modem is plugged into her computer. Which it ain’t all the time. That’s why she has to borrow my laptop when she needs a computer to give a genealogy talk at the Library.

I am looking for a new desktop. But it’s expensive for me. Even a base system costs a couple hundred bucks. But I need a desktop (fast desktop) for the many things I do with one. Ah well…

Think I’ll go to Home Depot today and put 5 sheets of good plywood on the card. Maybe start the bookshelves for the living room.

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Just Waiting For The Storm

That’s supposed to come in tonight. Winds. Rain. Maybe Thunderstorms. Cool! Except for the colder temperatures. SWMBO wanted me to make sure that the house was ready for the storm so I went out back, tipped over the garbage/recycle cans and spread papers & cans all over the back yard. Figured why wait for the storm to do it…:grin:

Look! Our two deer are back. And they bought a friend. Cool. It’s nice having a yard where the wild deer can congregate. Is it deer season yet?

Not much going on around here. Went to Home Depot (40 miles one way) and got SWMBO a couple of blinds for her room. Picked up a board to make me another shelf for my bookcase. Put the shades in when I got home while SWMBO was at the service for her friend that died last week. They look almost like they were made for her windows.

The shelf I made, on the other hand, didn’t fit at all. Sometimes I feel like the 2nd stupidest man alive! I cut the damned thing 2 inches too wide and didn’t even notice until I tried putting it in the bookcase. I do this kind of stuff because I either a) get in too much of a rush, or b) try to do too many things at the same time. Or I ought not to try "winging" it

Been "playing" with a program called Vue. It lets you make 3D landscapes and I am having a ball! Am using the laptop and the last 15 second animation I rendered took 30 hours! Daymn! And it still doesn’t look quite realistic. But it is a lot of fun to play with.

That’s about it from here for now.

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Tuesday Update. Like You Really NEED A Tuesday Update.

Didn’t get the wall built in my basement yesterday. Did run out for some additional track for my 25-30 year old N-Gauge train. Drove all the way to Port Orchard, in traffic, to the Hobby store. Except it hasn’t been a Hobby store for two years now. I knew that but HAD ANOTHER DAMNED SENIOR MOMENT! Wound up driving to East Bremerton, in traffic (I Hate Traffic!) and by the time I got home (fighting Traffice all the way) I was too bummed out and tired that I just stayed lazy the rest of the evening.
Did get it as done as I’m going to today. It’ll block wood dust but it ain’t pretty. I’ll make it pretty when I figure out what I’m really going to do with the basement. If I move my woodshop to a steel building outside then I have different plans for the basement. We’ll see.
Just Not Much Else Going On Around Here

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