Wonderful Weather We’re Having!

Not really. Storm moving through today; wet, windy. Figures though; am making a dump run to get rid of all the scraps left over from putting in the new floor. Well, we do live in WARSHington…

Finally finished SWMBO’s bookcase and it is sitting in her room already filled (filled!) with her stuff. Been building one (slightly bigger) for behind my desk for MY stuff. Lots of computer books and discs to store. I have been going through the magazines and pulling out articles I want to keep and making a pile to scan to .pdf’s. Just figured they’d take up lots less room on the hard drive instead of sitting on a shelf (and forgotten).

We got Pears in a few early last week. By last Thursday they were getting kinda soft so I peeled a bunch (what a job! Those things get slicker than snail snot!) and left them in our canning pot in some lemon/salt water. What a mistake! They were so "mushified" yesterday that I couldn’t really use them except for pear-sauce (like applesauce).

I hate being stupid like that! :???: But I did manage to can 12 jars of Pears from what was left (and 4 jars of Pearsauce) so it wasn’t a total waste. Now I have to make sure everything is ready for SWMBO and friend to do Peaches today. (I’m not doing it. I’ve done my canning for the week.)

Have an Uncle Herman that kept sending me invitations to join him on Facebook to see some pictures he posted. Well, you have to join to see anything. I really didn’t want to, I already belong to WAY too many websites. Heck, I have 3 of my own at that Microsoft place that I never use. Heck Heck, it’s hard enough to keep up with this blog nowadays. And with this crappy Internet connection I don’t get online as often as I used to. (Speaking of which I’d better download my mail.)

But I joined anyway to see what the big brouhaha was about and there are Hollies falling out of the sky! BTW, Hollies are my Mom’s side of the family. I haven’t seen a Hollie in, what, 30 years? (Other than my mom and Aunt Betty and Mom died in 1992?) I think there’s a gene, a small bit of DNA, in the King side of my family that just doesn’t keep in touch with family too much. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen anyone from the King side of the family for 18 years or so. Think that was the last time my Dad came out to visit. Hmmm…

Anywho, we’ll see how this goes. I still haven’t seen the pictures he wanted me to see…

I gotta make a dump run!

Clara M. Hollie (about 19 yrs?)
Clara M. Hollie (about 19 yrs?)

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Really Haven’t Forgotten This Blog!

Just busy (building things; finally finished SWMBO’s bookcase) and it’s a pain in the butt to get on the Internet from the house. (I’m sitting in the library in Belfair doing this right now.)
Not much else going on. Weather is cooling off (bummer!) and we’re still finding places for our things in the new house.

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Well, Anywho, This Are Pretty Normal…

Around here. Weather is going to be pretty good (for me) today and I am looking forward to that. Our Realtor is stopping by around 1400 to see what we’ve been doing with the place. Lot’s of "straightening up" going on!

SWMBO has gone crazy buying me tools to get my woodshop together and producing. She picked out a set of bookshelves she wants me to build for her room. So I’m trying to fast track my re-education in woodworking. Getting several different types of joints down pat. Cool!

Having fun playing with my Blackberry. Downloaded a video-to-3gp program from DVDVideoSoft (they have some of the best FREE programs to convert things!) and am converting some of my movies/tv shows to .mp4 files and they show great on the Blackberry. Small but watchable if we were out on a trip somewhere (or I was waiting somewhere) and I got bored.

Also put some of my favorite music on it and find myself listening more to my music than I have in the past several years. It’s nice to put the earbuds in and listen to "In-a-godda-da-vida" or "Happy Trails" (Quicksilver Messenger Service) while doing things around the house or in the basement.

Sorry, Folks, there just ain’t much going on.

Oh, bought me a laptop and it should be here in the next few days. Compaq Preserio 2.1Ghz 15.6" screen system that I’ll use to go over to a friends house with high speed Internet and download Smallville & Supernatural & Fringe when the new season starts. Cost only $389.99 (which took forever for me to save up). Oh, it has 3Gig RAM but only a 160G hard drive. I can always get a larger hard drive. I’m trying to figure out if it will replace this POS Intel desktop system I have or not. There is a good possibility of me doing that. I will never knowingly buy another Intel desktop. They’ve been filed in the same POS category as Iomega (who I will Never buy anything from again).

Sure will be glad when they get cable tv out here. Just for the Internet access. Most times I use my phone to download something I get 2-6kb with occasional spikes to 32kb download speeds. That Sucks! Especially when you’re used to way much higher cable speeds. That’s why I’ll be going over to a friends house to download stuff. He’s got like a 2.5MB download speed at his place. Cool!

Anywho, that’s it from around here.

Desert Storm 1990/1

Old post but haven’t been able to post until now. Not much has changed. Still SSDD around here.

New laptop is working out great. Use it to convert our movies and tv shows to avi. Over at a friends house downloading updates and things. Later!

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