Mostly Posting To Let Y’all Know I Still Live

The first “woman” I ever wanted to live with was Maureen O’Sullivan. Or, more specifically, Jane. As in Tarzan and Jane. I was only 7 so NOT because she was probably one of the sexiest women on Earth. (I didn’t realize that until I turned 12 or 13 years old and got the ol’ ‘ball tingle.’) Nope. I wanted to live with Jane because she lived in a Tree House. And had monkey’s for friends. (I only had monkeys for brothers.)

How cool would that have been!

Would like to say that there isn’t much going on around here; but I’d be lieing.

Truck lost a brake sensor which set off the check engine light and that some how turned into having to completely replace the rotors on the front axle. Don’t ask me how that computes cause I had the guy explain it to me twice and I still didn’t understand it. So, 5 days and $938 later I get my truck back. It does seem to be working better and the check engine light is out.

Had them do one of my pre-paid oil changes and rotate the tires and new wiper blades while they had it. We WILL be addressing the statement that the rest of my pre-paid oil changes expired July 22nd. Believe me.

SWMBO and I are slowly replacing the boards on our deck that sits 12 feet off the ground. Turns out we’re not as agile as we once were. Who’d a thunk? So, pull up two boards, rest awhile, put two boards in, rest awhile. Repeat. Got 6 boards in yesterday. Only 9 more to go!

Man! Those plastic boards are heavy! I’m tired by the time I chuck a couple up to the deck. I just don’t have the stamina I used to have 20 years ago.

Getting Old is not for the weak.

Took the land plane down the road to see if I could get some of the ‘ripples’ out that make driving our road a pain. Might have made it a little bit better. Mostly. Nobody came out and yelled at me for doing it so I’ll probably do it again Saturday afternoon or Sunday sometime. Need the practice. And it’s fun. I should have been a dirt guy.

NMARES (Ham Club) meeting went well tonight. I guess. General election and I remain the treasurer. Luckily it’s not a hard job. Well, I’d have to amend that and say the hardest part is remembering to log in to the bank at least once every 60 days or you have to re-register and re-setup the account. Otherwise, easy peasy.

Oh, bought an expensive gaming laptop to do Microsoft Flight Sim and x-Plane 12 on. MSFLT works really good on the Meta Quest 2! Was so detailed that I nosed in to the runway the first two times I took off because I was so busy looking at all the detail. I mean you are sitting IN the cockpit of the plane.

I will definitely be upgrading to the Meta Quest 3 just for the graphics.

X-Plane 12 is still too jerky for me to VR it for too long at one sitting. I have the feeling it’s a setting I’m missing or not setting right but I will get it fixed and running like I think it should.

And for both it’s way easier to continue to use the joystick rather than the Meta controllers. But that might just be needing practice. Fun to reach out and flip switches and such though.

Now I’m checking out Train VR programs (Derail Valley) to introduce SWMBO’s Dad to when we next visit him. Train Freak that he is I’m sure he’d enjoy a VR train he can sit in and control.

Still assimilating the Trump assassination attempt. The response from those ultra left idiots about the shooter missing has me buying more ammo. Glad I live off the beaten track. And have a digger. Don’t get me started.

Things I see at Safeway …

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Still Don’t Like Driving To, Through, In, Or Near Tacoma. But At Least There Wasn’t That Much Traffic.

Spent most of yesterday at the KIA dealer in Tacoma. SWMBO did get a new (used; excuse me ‘pre-owned’) KIA something. Same model as her last but newer. She did manage to keep it under $25k though. Car started out at $18,500  and climbed to #32+ K with the “options.” She quickly put a kabosh on that!
One of the ‘options’ was low-jack. Which could be okay if you needed it. But it was WAY expensive and she told them no. And they tried the ol “it’s already installed.” trick. Which she was having none of. And which they finally took off the invoice. NO idea if it’s actually installed and just sitting there or not. Don’t care. Her car.
Otherwise: SSDD but way hotter than usual.
I remember when sex was this sweaty.
Don’t get me started.

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It’s Just Freakin’ HOT Around Here! Finally!

Jun 22     Carl Hubbell born, 1903 Jun 22     Meryl Streep born in Summit, New Jersey, 1949 Jun 22     Konrad Zuse born in Berlin, 1910 Jun 22     Civil rights workers disappear in Mississippi, 1964 Jun 22     The June Days Uprising in Paris begins, 1848 Jun 23     Alan Mathison Turing born, 1912 Jun 23     IBM unbundles software, 1969 Jun 23     Alan Mathison Turing born, 1912 Jun 23     Harriet, Darwin’s turtle died at the age of 176 years, 2006 Jun 23     Slavery abolished in England, 1772 Jun 24     Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1970 Jun 24     The capital of Jamaica, Kingston, is founded, 1664 Jun 25     Eric Arthur Blair (a.k.a. George Orwell) born, 1903 Jun 25     Custer’s Last Stand at Little Big Horn, 1876 Jun 25     North Korea invades South Korea, 1950 Jun 26*    Social Security Check! Jun 26     Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 Jun 26     St. Lawrence Seaway dedicated by Eisenhower & Queen Elizabeth II, 1959 Jun 26     Toothbrush invented, 1498 Jun 27     Helen Keller (Author. Survivor) born, 1880 Jun 27     100 degrees, Fort Yukon, 1915 Jun 27     Bill Graham closes the Fillmore East, 1971 Jun 27     The world’s first ATM is installed in Enfield, London, 1967 Jun 27     Stanley Ingram King born this day in Memphis, Tennessee. (1952) Jun 28     Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria assassinated in Sarajevo, marking the beginning of World War I, 1914 Jun 28     Supreme Court decides in favor of Allan Bakke, 1978 Jun 28     World War I ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, 1919 Jun 29*    ARRL Field Day! You should have been ready for it by now! Jun 29     The Seychelles gains independence from the United Kingdom, 1976 Jun 29*    ARRL Field Day! You should have been ready for it by now! Jun 30     First advanced degree on computer related topic: to H. Karamanian,     Temple Univ., Phila, 1948, for symbolic differentiation on the ENIAC Jun 30     “That” explosion in Siberia at 7:17 local time, 1908 Jun 30     Albert Einstein publishes his theory of special relativity, 1905 Jun 30     China and Soviet Union announce split over ideology, 1960 Jul 01     Battle of Gettysburg begins, 1863 Jul 01     Hong Kong becomes a special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China, 1997 Jul 01     The first day on the Somme marked the beginning of the Battle of the Somme, 1916 Jul 01     Warsaw Pact officially dissolved, 1991 Jul 02     Vermont abolishes slavery, as the first state, 1777 Jul 03     Franz Kafka born, 1883 Jul 03     Dog days begin Jul 04     Nathaniel Hawthorne born in Salem, Massachusetts, 1804 Jul 04     John Adams and Thomas Jefferson die on same day, 1826 Jul 04     Battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg won by Union forces, 1863 Jul 04     Cloudy, 76 degrees, Philadelphia PA, 1776 Jul 04     New York abstains on Declaration of Independence vote, 1776 Jul 04     Thoreau enters woods, 1845 Jul 05*    Date Day! Jul 05     Bikini demonstrated for the first time, 1946 Jul 06     (Helen) Beatrix Potter born, 1866 Jul 06     John Paul Jones born, 1747 Jul 06     First `talkie’ (talking motion picture) premiere in New York, 1928 Jul 06     Lawrence of Arabia captures Aqaba, 1917 Jul 07     P.T. Barnum dies, 1891 Jul 07     First radio broadcast of “Dragnet”, 1949 Jul 07     Terrorists detonate four bombs on London public transport, 2005

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