I Will Probably Be Castrated, Boiled In Oil, And Lose My Knock-Knock Privileges.

Yes. I know the envelope said to “Open Immediately.” But I had to go to the bathroom really bad (I’m Old) and, so, it was, like, two days before I opened it. Not because I was “on the pot” for all that time! I kept looking at the envelope with “Open Immediately” in large letters (really large letters) and just figured it was for someone named “Open Immediately.” And that ain’t me. I also have a stack of letters to someone named “Occupant.”


Occupant. Why don’t they just address them to “Whoever Makes The Fookin’ Money and Pays The Fookin’ Bills” and we’d know what it was about. If they really wanted my money, they’d at least find out what my freakin’ name is. Make it a bit more personal than “Occupant.” “Dear Occupant (or other responsible party), Please refinance your VA Loan (which I don’t have) with us” shows that company has really done their homework and really knows and cares about me as an individual and unique identity on this Planet.          Not!


Had to make a run to the Family History office in Bremerton for SWMBO’s phone (that she forgot there last Saturday). Kind of misty out there. Ride was nice except for the guy in the little red car that was riding my ass on the way back.

And I’m doing all my usual Sunday chores since I didn’t get a chance to do them yesterday. Which is everything I normally do and laundry. No biggie. Being out and about (oot & aboot) with my lovely young bride of almost 30 years is more than worth putting off my chores until later.


We have this little mini-donut maker thingie. I mixed up some of that Thrive pancake stuff. Married the two. Now SWMBO has several (8 minus the one I ate to “test” it) she can take to work and have for breakfast. Cool! She can even take a small plastic container of syrup if she wants. Cool!

Got to pick her up tonight. Quick run out to Jo Ann’s Fabrics in Silverdale. Quick stop at Taco Bell for her some dinner. Home and watching the 3rd Mummy movie. That’s it!

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Day Trip To Mt. Rainier. Not Your Average Sunday.

We left around 0900 this morning for Mt. Rainier. We’ve lived in this area, damned near in the shadow of Mt. Rainier, since Jan 1993 and just haven’t made that trip yet. I don’t know why. Probably because we see it every time we leave the house and didn’t feel the need to finally get to it.


So, about 0700 I was looking around with Google Earth for places to just head out to for the day. Fixated on Mt. Rainier. Got SWMBO up, made her pancakes and bacon for Mother’s Day, and off we went.


Went through Puyallup, then Orting (cause this old guy got lost), contacted OnStar for directions to State Highway 410, and finally got on track. Buckley, Enumclaw, Greenwater, and, of course, the mountain itself. Got a few good pictures. Got to spend time with my Schweetie. Pretty ride and some quaint little towns. (Never did find the Visitor’s Center though). Still snow up there too.


Ride back was pretty much the same except for stopping for pizza in Enumclaw. Got home about 1600. Whole trip used less than a half tank of gas. Cool! It sure was a pretty ride. Not too hot. Not too cold.

MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net went well (even if I didn’t run it tonight). Had 15 check-ins and KC7WNJ did a great job.

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My Schweetie Is The Best!

Today was pretty much just like yesterday for the most part. Nice outside. Scooped up all the rocks I’d raked into a pile (last year) and got them in the rock garden. Mowed the front front yard. Mowed the trail to the back of the property. Sat out in the sun as much as possible.

Dragon War's

SWMBO got home around 1500 and took me to Famous Dave’s rib place in Silverdale for early dinner. I had the smoked turkey plate. It was good. Very filling though! Then we stopped by Target so she could look for new pants. I found a lounger I’m going to get later this month.


Then our usual stop at Safeway and we’re home. Watching “Dragon Wars.” Kind of a crappy move; great “special” effects. I really like the Snake. Don’t like that it’s more White Folks taking over another race’s myths. (Even if it’s not really a “true” myth. The World revolves around us White Folks; don’t you know. Still, why couldn’t real Korean’s play the parts? And how did it get transferred from Korea to Los Angeles?)


Anywho, that’s my rant for the day.

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NASA Called. Again.

It was 75 degrees and plenty sunny today; so you know what I did and where I was All Day. (Outside!) Started setting up that pool my friend gave me. Collected more rocks for my “rock garden.” Dodged the Wasps! And just soaked in as much sunshine and heat as I could in one day. Good thing no one “just stopped by.”


Did have to put some shorts on to pick SWMBO up at the bus stop in Belfair this evening. Bummer. Not that I got to pick her up. That’s always great.

Short, but boring, post tonight. What I lack in quality of content I more than make up for with extremely intelligent uninteresting chatter.

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