Just Another Normal Sunday Around Here.

So, I get this ding notice from the State of Washington Toll folks charging me $8 for crossing the bridge and $40 fine. Even included a picture of the front end of my truck. Only problem is: I have what they call Good-To-Go (which I started last November) with about $35 in the account to pay for tolls. So I printed out the confirming e-mails showing that I’ve been in GTG for awhile and asking them “Why am I getting a fine for a toll bill I shouldn’t even have gotten?” We’ll see what their answer is. (But, knowing the state of WaRshington they’ll screw it up anyway. And probably charge me more for it!)


Not much going on today. Normal Sunday around here. SWMBO made a pretty good pork chop dinner tonight though. That was nice. And tasty. Other than that it’s just been the usual around here. Finishing up laundry now. Waiting for the Net. Playing with that SDR thingie and watching “The 5 Doctor’s.” (Campy!)


MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net (The Highly Informal Version) went really well tonight. Twelve check-ins! Cool! I got some great signal reports tonight too (for some reason). Everyone wanted to know what I did to my radio/antenna.

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Sometimes I’m Smart. Maybe.

So, I thought to myself: You already have regular TV cable connectors in the new Caravan, so, why not use what’s there instead of punching new holes through the side of your new Caravan? Hmmm. Would that work? Get a couple of “do it yourself” cable connector thingies and make your own pl-259 to cable TV connector patch/jumper/pigtail  cords? Hmmm…


So I spent the big bucks ($8 total) at Home Depot and got a couple packages of RG-59 push-on connectors. (I always get more than I need because I tend to mess things up the first couple of times I try something “new.”) Those are assembled. Will take my radio out and see if it works tomorrow. Only have to hope the cable in the Caravan is at least R-8(?) and it should work okay. Not excellent; but okay. Good thing I have enough coax on my antenna to reach without having to move it! If this works I’ll make them more permanent. If not, I’m out $8 and I still have some left over for other “projects.”


My Lovely Young Bride of almost 30 years took me to dinner at Red Robin’s in Silverdale. (Just down the street from Home Depot.) She had her usual mushroom burger and I had something that was supposed to be a BBQ Burger. Way too much of those fried onions on it; but otherwise good. Made our usual stop at Safeway and we be home.


Hooked that Roku2 I have up to my TV in my room. Still not impressed with it.

And that’s pretty much it. “For A Few Dollars More” is running in the background while I mess with that SDR thing I got. Really needs a better antenna! Did hear some 2-meter stuff though.

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By Grapthar’s Hammer. You Shall Be Avenged.

Tried this Thrive Sloppy Joe TVP stuff for dinner. It was easy to make. One cup of the Sloppy Joe mixed with two cups water. Heat until the excess water is gone. (Which is highly subjective.) Throw it on a bun and chow down. The next time I have this stuff will probably be about 10 years after the Apocalypse. Only after everything else has been eaten that can be eaten. Including Wasps. And dirt.


Don’t get me wrong. I like most of the Thrive stuff. Handy to have around. Easy to make. Just Add Water! 25 year shelf life unopened. 1 year opened. Great stuff to have around for us “Prepper” types. We plan on getting a whole pantry of the stuff.

But not the Sloppy Joe TVP. (I am not kidding about this!)


Was kinda sorta nice out today even with it being partially cloudy. So I mowed the Back and Front-Lower yards. Then I started bracing the new fence posts straight up and down so when I buy cement I can mix it up and pour it in the holes without too much farting around. Then moved the Tent Trailer to the lower driveway to get it out of the way for when I start working on the back yard. Then I just stayed outside as much as possible. Had to get my regular chores done but that was no biggie.


Until just about time to go pick SWMBO up at the bus stop in town. Too bad I expected to pick her up at the Ferry Landing in Bremerton. So I got to make that trip for naught. Lots of Friday traffic too. Ah well. Got her home safe and sound and that’s what counts.

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Ghosts Can’t Do It (1989)

Take 1 Scallop-potato “mix,” and add 1/2 cup each of the Thrive corn, peas, broccoli, and hamburger. Oh, a dash of celery. Mix it all up with an extra 1/2 cup water. Cook as directed but add 5 minutes. Magically, Dinner! It was freakin’ tasty! I went back for seconds. I rarely go back for seconds.


Went to bed with a beginning headache Tuesday night and woke up with it worse Wednesday morning. Hung on all damned day. All I wanted to do was nap; which I did. So, I had a lot of trouble getting to sleep last night after the headache went away at just about bedtime. 0520 seemed to come awful early this morning.

Still, haven’t done much today. Paid some bills. Netflix run to the Post Office. WD40’d the squeaky hinge on the door between the kitchen and the garage. Burned the trash. Got things together to make a garbage/plastics run tomorrow. The Usual Chores. Weeded the garden while I was out there.

I lead such a routine life.

Where's The Damned Start Button?

Started looking at the electrical system of the new Caravan to see if there is a 25/30 Amp circuit I can tap into for my FT-857d without burning the thing down. Thinking I can change the coax connectors to PL-259 female ends if I can use the coax that’s already there. If not I may have to just run a new length of good coax and make a hole in the side of the Caravan. That wouldn’t be too hard but may screw with the warranty in some way. Sure would like to be able to just mount my radio inside, hook up the antenna, and get on air without taking that power supply along. (That thing is heavy!)


And the movie? Bo didn’t get naked nearly enough to justify watching that whole movie. I have it on Laserdisc if anyone is interested. Make an offer and add Shipping.

So I made eggnog cookies for desert. Even made the bottoms crispy like SWMBO likes them.

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