I Am SO Bored

That I’m watching lightning video’s on YouTube. Goes great with the drizzle we’re getting; but you gotta be bored out of your silly asses mind to sit and watch Lightning videos on YouTube. (I really like thunder storms though. Really do. And we don’t get enough of them around here.)


Pretty much SSDD so far; and it’s going on 1500 right now. Got my usual chores done. Thinking about what to make myself for dinner. Took the Dog for a walk and got soaked from the knees down. Trying to figure out how I’m going to re-do my new antenna and mount the radio in the truck when I go on trips. (Just ought to let Car Toys figure that one out. It’d be worth the price.)


Converting a friends family VHS tapes to dvd. It’s pretty easy and doesn’t take a lot of concentration. Put disc in, initialize it, rewind tape, hit “Dubbing”, let it go until it quits, finalize disc. Go to next one. No fancy menu’s or editing.


And that it. Again. MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Chat Net went well and we even had a check-in from Auburn. Cool. SWMBO is home safe and sound and has been fed. Time to hit the rack.

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Day Started Really Early Today

Feel like I didn’t get any rest last night. Which I wouldn’t doubt considering I just can’t get comfortable on that bed SWMBO bought. You’d think that almost 5 years down that road I’d have the “sleep number” that would do me the best. I don’t know if going back to a “wave-less” waterbed would help, but I’m ready to try. But, at least I didn’t wake with a headache! (That’s always good.)


Ride to/from the Ferry Landing went well, if wet. Truck wouldn’t pair with my phone; then realized I forgot my phone at home. Doh!

Started Doctor Who Number 11 over again. One thing I don’t understand from Doctor Who 205-Victory To The Daleks: Why should Amy have remembered the Daleks? Up to then there has been no indication that she’s ever seen them before.


Wow. Sun came out for awhile and it wasn’t too bad out. Everything’s still soaked, but the Dog and I had a nice walk around the back 40. Now my feet are soaked.

SWMBO had me stop at Burger King on the way home. Then Rite-Aid for her cat’s antibiotics. We bought a Omron BP cuff too. Been needing one. (Said my BP was 147/75 tonight. Not bad.)


And that’s pretty much it. Finished out the MCARC 10-meter Chat Net and starting to get ready to go to bed.

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Retired. But I Still Like Friday’s.

What it feels like when I get a headache:


Which, luckily, I don’t have. Today. Thank Goodness.


Made a run to the bank to transfer funds from “our” account to “my” account so the down payment check I wrote (my first on this account. I don’t write checks.) wouldn’t bounce. I really don’t want to start out on the wrong foot. Need to set up “bill pay” for this also.

Spent the day doing the usual things. Picked SWMBO up at the Ferry Landing tonight. Let her drive the new truck home from Safeway. She did her usual great job.


And that’s really about it for today. Just not much happening around here.

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News @ 11! (I’ll Be Asleep Though.)

So, basically, I’m in the position that some wives find themselves in. Married forever. Spouse dies. Can’t get a loan for anything because they have no credit. While I don’t blame the “banks” for wanting their money, it still sucks. (Luckily, my spouse hasn’t died and will outlive me by a long time!) Turns out the “bank” was worried about my debt to income ratio. Never mind that I know what I’m doing and will commit to making the payments cause I know that I can. Let’s figure out a lot of other shit and make our own rules. Unfortunately you have to do it or do without. Bastards. I hate not being treated as an adult.


Not much else going on. Raining. Fog just at the tree-top level. It’s like Nature is trying to dump a summer’s worth of rain on us in a couple of weeks before getting to the Winter rain. Burned the rest of the trash while it was raining and finally got that out of the way.

Feeling short of breath today. I smoked way too long.


And that’s pretty much it. Spent the rest of the day just chillin’ and not doing much at all. Watched “Jack The Giant Slayer” and am doing “Ender’s Game” now. Don’t think I’ll finish it tonight.

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