Field Day Prep Continues. Plus

BCWC001aMy friend (and neighbor up hill) loaned me a small box scraper that he’s had just sitting around his place. Brought it home, hooked it to the rider mower, and went up and down the upper driveway about a zillion damned times. Only got dragged to a stop a couple of times. Driveway looks good.

Nice day out. Got to around 75 degrees or so. Finally hot enough for me and the Dog to take off all our clothes and go for a walk around the back 40. Nice. It’s GREEN back there!

Other than that; Not much. About finished putting stuff in the Caravan for Field Day. Need to go get some gas in the morning and then should be able to get on my way. Cool!

SWMBO is at her class tonight so won’t be home until late. (Late. 2130 or so. Guess that’s late only if your Old. Like me.)

So I think I’ll go and read a bit.

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Damn My OCD Anyway!

CynthiaBrimhall5bBought 10 3-disc, and several 2-disc,Blu-ray cases to combine movie series into one case; cause, you know, having 2 or 3 cases for one movie series takes up SO MUCH room on the shelf. When they came (via UPS) I needed to poop (one thing old guys do daily (if you’re healthy)), but COULD NOT until I had switched cases on those I set aside to do.

Spent a lot of yesterday moving my 2-meter antenna’s around trying to get better connection with the MCARC repeater. Slight improvement but I really need to get off my duff and mount them UP where I’ve been meaning to. Probably will do that after Field Day. And after spraying with that Hornet killer stuff.

Today the Wx has been better; warmer without being too hot (for WaRshingtonians) so me and the Dog have been going on walks and working outside as much as possible. Been throwing the balls for him to chase.

The “Hodge-podge” planter (mixed up seeds. No idea what) had a bunch of green weeds with purple root growing in it. Same “dirt” that’s in the other planters but this is the only one they’re growing in. No idea what they are, but there was a bunch of them. I pulled them out.


The new batch of lima beans have sprouted; so I powered them with rolly polly bug killer so they wouldn’t get eaten like the last batch. Planted some more beans.

Starting to get ready for Field Day; since that’s this weekend. Still need to make a list of food to get for the Club. At least I got the Club site updated. Going to put my 857d in the Caravan tomorrow. Monitor and the rest Thursday.

Had to pick SWMBO up at the QFC. She texted me at 1906. Well, she usually gets there around 1920. Had to hurry!

But we’re home and she’s in her room doing her homework. I’m finishing up here.

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What Wx Wonderful Two Days!

Oh, my. We have literally spent all day outside these past two days. I did so much to the yard (mostly weed-whacking) yesterday that I was almost laid up lame last night. (Gettin’ Old.) After that the Dog and I took off all our clothes and stayed that way the rest of the day. Cool!

Today we got mail checked as early as we thought possible, went for one of our walks around the neighborhood, then jumped right back into gardening stuff and being outside. Moved a lot of things around (that I’ve been meaning to move around) and finished off a couple of the “projects” that I’d started last summer but didn’t get done. They be done now.

And it is WAY later. The MCARC 10-meter Rag Chew went well even with only 5 of us checking in. Good signals all around. Been checking Craigslist for campers and listening to “Longmire” in the background.

I’m gonna go lay down.

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Two Almost 80 Degree Days In A Row

Really! In A Row! Yesterday & Today. In A Row! Damn!

And as nice as yesterday was, today was WAY better cause we had Lightning & Thunder. Woo Woo! I was also pointing in the right direction at the right time and caught a couple of lightning bolts with my Phone. (The Video. No lightning actually touched my phone. Nevermind.) But it was COOOOOOLLLLLLL!


Other than that pretty much SSDD around here. Dog and I finally have the chance to take off all our clothes and walk the back 40. Nice. We took the rider-mower with the trailer hooked up to it and picked up large rocks so I could mow the path. Which I did. Luckily before it started to really come down during the Thunderstorm. Which was cool, btw!

2017-05-05 04.03.45

Don’t know what the HELL was going on yesterday, but, just after eating dinner (Nukerowaved lasagna) I started feeling really (really) weak and tired. Tired enough to actually lay downand almost go to sleep. I didn’t know if I wanted to throw-up or shit (or both). Lasted until about 1130 and just went away. Still felt really tired though. Must be getting Old or something.

Tis21Today was absolutely lovely outside. Tomorrow It’s supposed to be lots cooler (high about 58 degrees); but still better than it has been these past few months. I’m so glad Summer is almost here.

Another storm coming through. Cool! More thunder! Think I’ll go lay down and read a bit while waiting for SWMBO to get home from her class.

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