And I Just Keep Getting Older and Older…

My mind just went totally blank. I had everything in order that I was going to post about, got distracted by something, and now cannot (for the life of me!) remember one damned thing I was going to cover. So, let’s see just how random I can be. Again.

Last Monday I twisted my knee getting up off the floor while trying to finish off the baseboard. Have slowly improved to where I’m hobbling around like an ancient Dude. Knee hurts after about half our morning walk so we haven’t been doing the whole thing. Sucks! We make quite the pair, SWMBO and I, at the store what with her in the electric scooter and me limping along behind her.

So, haven’t yet finished the baseboard or a dozen other things I’ve been needing to do around the house. Did get my half of the garage cleaned up and my miter saw and tables moved out there where I can get to them easily when I get back to getting things done. I did manage to mow the back yard; but that is a sitting down job. Thank Goodness for rider mowers!

Worked on a friends laptop trying to fix his Windows 10 install. Managed to save his data but had to re-image his drive. He asked me to put a dual boot Windows/Linux; so I did. He’s had his computer back a couple of days now and has yet to call me for anything. That could be a good thing. Wouldn’t bet on it though.

Been playing with one of the Raspberry Pi’s as a media server and, I gotta tell ya, it’s working great. Hooked my backup movie drive to it and set that all up and it works fine. Ordered a couple more 2tb drives from Amazon so I can backup my backup. Or something to that effect. I don’t want my output5backup drive to be working all the time. Hey, it could wear out that much sooner.

Ordered a MPPT solar controller so I can “play” with the solar panels and try hooking them up to be more efficient. Looking for a couple of 30 foot poles to stand up out back and attach my solar panels to. Figure they’ll get more sunlight more of the year if I do. Then I can start collecting battery packs.

Been Facebook free over 30 days now, by choice, and getting a lot more reading done. I love to read. That Kindle Paperwhite if the perfect little “book” to read from too. Still fits in my back pocket too.

And that’s it cause I really am rambling. Things to do! No places to go! Will post more often.

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Pretty Much SSDD. Still. Again.

Mostly just getting “stuff” done around the house. Finally got set up and getting the new molding in. The curved part of the living room was a pain but we took it slow and it hasn’t popped off the wall yet. Yet.

I’ve mowed the lawn several times in the past couple of weeks. Mostly because it turns nice outside and I want to be outside so I look for things to do. That I can do, that is. Not really able to grab a shovel and dig much anymore. Morning walks are getting harder also. I think I’m turning into an OLD person.

SWMBO still goes on Friday Dates with me. Last week we went to the Mandarin place in East Bremerton. Got to eat inside but they weren’t doing the BBQ.

Really disapointed in the Wx this summer. Still cold enough to have to wear a long sleeve shirt on our morning walk and cool all damn day. Rained some yesterday. Again. Sunny and hot is a rare thing around here. Sucks, actually. Garden doesn’t like it either.

Speaking of which. The first crop of peas has come and gone but the 2nd crop is starting to grow nicely. That’s a first for me. Usually I only do the one crop, but this year I thought I’d try the second. Working. Nice. And the Maters are doign well down in their usual spot. Corn ain’t. Squash growing well but the watermellon ain’t. We’re going to have more potato’s than you can shake a stick at.

Top Of My Tower. Drone Still Works!

So, I’m just rambling. Everyday life has taken over with a passion and just getting through every day is a chore. Or full of chores. I may be getting too old to do all of this by myself. SWMBO has said I can buy a tractor/digger, and that’ll help on the jobs that those can do, but there’s still a lot to do. And most of it’s physical.

And I still don’t do too bad until I have to get down on the floor. Then the hard part is getting back up. Even climbing on the roof the other day and finally cleaning the gutters was fairly easy. Until I had to climb down. (First time in 11 years I’ve cleaned that particular gutter. Needed it 8 or 10 years ago.)

Those thumb drives I ordered? Don’t ask. Sorry to say that I got scammed and I should have known better. But technical advances are being made everyday and they could have been legit. And I researched it! Now the company, rdplummy, has disapeared, They left a link showing someone toasting the beach in someplace like Fiji to rub it in. But, at least it was an inexpensive lesson.

Ah, well.

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Ya Know, It’s About Time I Caught Up!

Although I may have trouble remembering exactly what the Hell I’ve been doing. Being “retired” is that way sometimes. And these endless days stuck at home doesn’t make it any better. All the days seem to run together.

Me On The USS Plymouth Rock (LSD-29) late 70's

Lets see. Today SWMBO and I went to Walmart. The Dipshidiots are still wearing masks like it actually means something. Picked up some burger stuff (buns, maters, onions, lettuce, etc) for field day this coming weekend. Got 3 new mater cages for the mater plants that need them. Just been hanging around.

Yesterday we sent to COSTCO via Home Depot. Bought a couple of bundles of trim and paid to have it delivered (Wednesday) cause it’s way WAY too long to fit in my truck. Then we spent too much at COSTCO and got only a small basket of stuff.

Last Friday we went to the All-You-Can-Eat Chinese Food place (Mandarin Palace?) in Port Orchard and had a sit-down dinner. Which was really nice.

Desert Storm. Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia

Otherwise I don’t remember much.

SWMBO has started to use one of those electric carts when we go shopping. Bothers me ONLY because she has to use it to get around. Wish she’d find out what’s wrong with her and try to get it fixed. But her blood sugar is way down from what it used to be at! She’s lost a lot of weight too. I’m Really worried!

Course, I have my own issues. Had a dizzy spell a couple of weeks ago and let my Doc know. He ordered (and I had) a Pulmonary Function Test (which I failed) and a CAT Scan (that I really need to look up the results for). Did the PFT and the guy brought out the Albuterol and I got to do it again.Didn’t help much. Quit smoking 9 years ago but that previous 40 kicked my lungs ass.

It's Getting To Be Summer!

Been straightening up all my pictures on my drives (gathering them into one place) HM3 King in Angel 2 over NAS Lemoore early 1970;sand online. One of the guys from NMARES said I can store unlimited photo’s in my Google Photo’s so I think I’m going to check that out. Stored and shareable. Cool So I’m practizin by posting various pictures here as a test. Hope it works.

Oh, the 30 day FB Jail is over as of yesterday and I’ve already pissed off several people just by being Conservative Logical. And my neighbor up-hill may never speak to me again. But when folks post how Masks are the be-all and end-all protection for the COVID-19 (or other viri) the HM in me takes over. And the “homemade” masks are the worst of all.

Kathy & Patrick

Anywho, I think that’s it. I’m sure there’s a butt-ton of things I missed (like finally getting rid of all but one of those Subaru engines and a bunch of the tires and other stuff) but that’s just the way it is for an old guy. We forget shit.

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Fred Flintstone Was A Dick

Anyone else notice that after you grow older and go back to watch The Flintstones that Fred is pain in the ass? Overbearing. Loud. Pushy. And the “social norms” and “gender roles” wouldn’t be tolerated today! No freakin’ way. But as a kid is was funny as hell.

Our Wx Today

Supposed to rain all day. Which means I’ll get garbage burned; but not much else. OR I could get off my ass and get something else accomplished in the MILA. Which has been sort of on hold. But I gotta get it done. Getting too old for this shit.

In Indiana on our way home from the reunion trip

In this crazy rush for “social equality” the move to defund the police is probably the worst idea to hit the streets. But, y’all go ahead and do it. I’ll just buy more guns and ammo so I can protect myself and my lovely-young-bride of 34 years. Dipshidiots.

1e876abb-06d6-480c-ae6e-246fef9beccfAND I’m sick of being called Racist by people that don’t even know me. By people that don’t like me just because I’m white and supposedly have all this “privilege.” Whatever the hell that is. I think though, that you get what you give. Y’all quit hating me because I’m White beffore you demand that I not treat you differently. I usually treat others the way I’m treated. Get over yourselves.

Rained all freakin’ day. I really wish Summer would get the hell here.

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