I’m Looking Forward To A Rain Shadow. Rain Shadow RainShadow. Skipping & Hopping In A Rain Shadow. Rain Shadow RainShadow.

Soon you’ll sign in with 2-Step Verification

After you enter your password, you’ll complete a second step on your phone. Keep your phone nearby when you sign in. 2-Step Verification will be turned on automatically on December 8. You can turn this on sooner if you want — your account is all set.
And you WILL do this even if you don’t want to, well, because. We said so. And it’s OUR ball so you have to do what we tell you or we’ll go home and not let you play at all. (And we love telling you what you WILL do.)
Got my new Raspberry Pi 4b last night and put it in that fancy new case I bought. Loaded up KODI and got that all set up. Only to have to reinstall raspian (or whatever they’re calling it this month) because KODI would NOT let me go to a prompt and do the install things for the fancy new case to run the fan and do the smart shutdown thing. So I figure to install the plain OS (raspian or whatever) then do the upgrade/install then install KODI on top of that.
When I’m not accidentally deleting my boot partition I can be a pretty smart fella. Sometimes. Don’t get SWMBO started.
Walk was pretty nice this morning. No rain but lots of wind. Some of the young trees out in the field were really bending in the breeze. My apologies to Cat Stevens.
Not a whole lot else going on. Mail run. Laundry. Working the new Pi. Puttering around the house. Think I’ll take the Dog for a tour of the back 40 and get our feet wet.

Quote from the Victory Girls Blog: …as Dr. Jordan Peterson tweeted: (About the Omicron variant of the covid)

“The “variants” will supply a never-ending supply of reasons to extend lockdowns, vaccine mandates and punitive measures as mutation occurs and what constitutes a new variant arbitrary.”

So this, my friends, is how totalitarianism starts.

But it doesn’t do me any good to post anything about it. So I’ll just hunker down and hope that Fauci and the Brandon Administration all get their just desserts. Drug into the street and run over by a bus load of illegals would be my preferred method. But I’m a Redneck.

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