Doc, You Lazy Turd! Again!

It is literally NOON and I’ve only finished half the chores. Got caught up in making breakfast (2-egg omelet with chopped tomato & mushroom & ham and FOUR slices of pepper bacon (but not in the omelet (the bacon.)( Nevermind.))) and watching, of all things, Heidi (the Shirley Temple one). And I slept in late this morning too. It was almost 0700 before I got up! Man!


Finally got my Icom-208H programmed for all the repeaters I could want to communicate with here in the local area. I’ll probably carry a list (or find an App) for repeaters in other parts of WaRshington and the rest of the country where I’m likely to travel. Put all the local Sheriff’s and some Air bands in.  (Seatac & Bremerton.) Now to put it back in the truck!

Which I did. Then I remembered that I hadn’t programmed any of the local 440 repeaters into the damned thing. So, I looked those up and made another list, then sat out in the truck programming them in. Only a few though.

I continue to be impressed with this Ubuntu Studio. Today I plugged my Nexus 7 in to it and it recognized it right off. Cool! Am getting to the point that it’s doing what I want to do. Would be nice to get rid of this Windows 7 VM, but I just don’t see that happening soon. (Even tried installing WLW under Wine/Play On Linux but it didn’t work.)


The power/data connection on my Nexus 7 is starting to wear out too. Damn! I’m pretty careful how I plug things in too; since I want things to last as long as they can. These things don’t grow on trees, you know!

MCARC 10-meter Chat Net went well. Only 5 check-ins; but that’s about the usual. Wish we could get more of the Newbies involved. Ah, Well.

Anywho, that’s about it for tonight.

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2 thoughts on “Doc, You Lazy Turd! Again!

  1. Just dropped by for a look-see visit; like your blog.

    Question, did you try VirtualBox in Linux for the WLW? Just curious, I’m a Linux newbie.

    Good morning from the left coast.

    • Well, thanks for dropping by! Appreciate it.
      I did try VirtualBox; but have never really liked it. I have to admit I’m a big VMWare fan. VirtualBox just seems not to really work right, to me.
      I’m a Left Coast person too. Have been most all of my life. 🙂