It Got Pretty Warm Today! Yay!

Outer Limtits: The Zanti MisfitsI have done nothing! Oh, the usual chores (mostly). Made a run to the Post Office then stopped by Safeway for some coffee. Had to get a couple of doughnuts to go with the coffee. Except it was too late for coffee so I had one of those frappachino things. A bit later I made a dump run. Both our cans needed dumping.

Didn’t really accomplish anything because it got nice and hot and I spent as much time outside as I could. Sometimes doing things but mostly just enjoying the Sun, and being outside. Trying to store some of it up for when Winter takes over here. Thermometer on our deck says it’s 100 degrees. (On the deck. Lot’s of reflected sunshine and heat on our deck. So it’s probably 95 degrees for real.)


Other than that …

SWMBO texted me that I need to pick her up at the QFC this evening. How’d she know? So I got to do that.

We’re home and relaxing and stuff. She’s copying her pictures of when we went to the Sisters Quilt Show back in 2010 to her tablet. Probably to show off at work. I have a (new) Doctor Who marathon going but am about to go lay down.

So that’s it from this boring old guy.

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Once Upon A Time. Way Back When.

brun11aI was the Independent Duty HM1 (E-6) aboard the USS Turner Joy (DD-951) during her last WESTPAC. As part of our travels, we stopped in Chin Hae, South Korea for a weekend of liberty and (hopefully) fun.

As it turned out, I had the “duty” and got to spend our second night in Chin Hae in this little clinic they had there; available for anyone that might need my services. Several did. There was a Korean Nurse there also.
About a dozen patients, as I remember. Saw several Colds. Several various other physical ailments. Had to stitch 2 or 3 wounds.  Several drunks.

One of my Chief’s (meaning a member of the TJ) came in, drunk, with a busted knee. (He’d slipped on some railroad tracks.) I took him into the little x-ray room the clinic had, took the x-ray (ap, lat, sunrise), developed the x-ray, put it up on the light box and pointed out to the Nurse where  he (Chief) had split his patella. So I splinted him up and arranged transportation to (I don’t remember where anymore).

When my “shift” was over, the Nurse and I were cleaning up when she turns to me and asks “How long you been Doctor?”
“I’m not a Doctor.” Says I.
Her eyes got really big and she stated “You not Doctor?”
“Nope,” I reply. “I’m a Hospital Corpsman. Just an Enlisted man trained in enough medicine to go places the Navy doesn’t want to send a Doctor.”
“God Damn, they train you well!” She exclaims.
Damn, I like South Korean Nurses!

I guess that I’m feeling that I once was a highly trained individual. I could fix your computer or sew you up. Saved quite a few lives over the years. Now I’m just a Retired Old Guy. In some ways that sucks.

Not a whole lot going on around here. Too hot for these WaRshingtonians. Only been in the lower 90’s. Wusses! I would ahve no problem living where the temp was like this all the time (during the day).

Got up at 0330 so I could leave by 0430 for my 0630 appointment at Madigan. And I got only a little lost getting there! Got an ultra-sound of my carotids and aorta. Everything looked good to the Tech/Doctor/Whatever. So good that they’re going to cancel the follow-up appointment with a Doc. Well, that’s good. I may live another month or more.

brun15aOf course, I was hungry by the time they finished with me. Went the “back way” (through Olympia to Shelton to home) cause I didn’t want to put up with the I-5/Hwy-16 mess that you have to go through if you get within 3 miles of that interchange. Went through the drive-thru in Shelton.

Got home and tried to take a nap; but it just wasn’t happening. I’m a day person. If the sun is shining I want to be out in it. But, I gotta admit, I did also try to take a nap outside. That didn’t work either.

So the Dog and I have been for a couple of walks. (But he doesn’t like the heat either so he’s real slow.) Watered the garden. Filled my little wading pool. Delivered mail to the renters. Just been farting around really cause I feel tired. I’m too old for this real early morning crap! (Although I’d rather get up early than stay up late.)

And that’s it. MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net went well. SWMBO is home and fed. Time to crash for the night. I’m tired!

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Well, Yes. SSDD Saturday & Sunday

Since we were going to be in Silverdale anyway, we decided to eat at KFC before spending way too much at COSTCO. KFC chicken has gone way (WAY) downhill since the last time we ate there. Tough. Stringy. Overdone. Really, all the ways Chicken isn’t supposed to be cooked.

2016-08-14 14.59.21

Fight01aAt COSTCO we bought one of those LED light thingies that are supposed to replace your current ceiling light fixture without having to cut new holes and stuff. Looking at it at home, the Boob Lights (what we call them cause they look like glass boobs) are flat against the ceiling and I don’t think this new thing will work without cutting holes. Which I’m not against doing; it just means more work. But, if it all works then one of my Winter Projects will be to replace all 7 Boob Lights with LED inserts. Cool!

Today was a pretty normal Sunday. SWMBO baked Turkey Breast for dinner and made mashed taters and corn (unsmashed) to go with it. Was good. Will be good tomorrow too! Cold Turkey sandwiches with plenty of Mayo!

Warehouse 13 Season 1 Gag Reel (if it works)

Been in the upper 90’s the last two days too. Is okay for me; but you should hear the WaRshingtonians bitch about it! OMG, what a bunch of pussies. And they look at you real funny when you suggest we all strip down and go for a walk. You’d think no one in this State had ever been naked before. (Wait! Thinking about it …)

I got to be Net Control for the MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net. Was fun. Had 8 check-ins. Cool!

And that’s about it. SWMBO and I sat and watched an episode of Warehouse 13 and now it’s time to hit the rack. I still need to call and refill my meds too. AAAarrrggghhh!

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What A Nice Friday!

Sunny. Hot. My Schweetie had the day off and, after her 0800 dental appointment, we went out and about for awhile. Stopped at Bob’s Burger joint in Allyn for a quick, late, lunch. Took our burgers down to the waterfront and sat at a picnic table to eat. Nice day! Being with SWMBO for most of it; really nice!

VintageRed04aAlso stopped by the yarn shop just outside Allyn (on the way to Shelton) where she got some “stuff” that she’s been wanting. (Something that makes balls out of skeins of yarn.) I sat in the truck and talked to my friend in PA. She finished up her buying spree about the same time the call ended.

We been home since about 1500. I finally got out my Ridgid Planer and started learning how to use it. Made a lot of sawdust! Chips. Whatever. Been spending time at YouTube trying to learn what the “repeat-a-cut” feature does. I think I have it; but will wait until another day to check my knowledge out.

She’s been making yarn balls. (Brings a lot of things to mind. But don’t get me started.)

Carrots in back. Peas in front.

Watering the front-upper yard cause the fruit trees need the moisture. Already watered the garden and maters. The potato’s have sprouted and the peas are really reaching out for the climber fence thingie I added to the raised-beds. Cool!

Kaley01aAnd that’s pretty much it. Still watering. Still scanning. Listening to “Prohibition” by Ken Burns while doing all this other stuff. Got out and flew my drone a bit. Trying to get good enough to make precision landings. Getting there.

You know, there are people on Tumblr that repost my posts. I can’t begin to understand WHY they do it; but appreciate that they do. Thanks, Folks!

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