Ok. Testing From Windows & Open Live Writer

tz14_thumbCause I can’t get it (Open Live Writer) to work in Linux. Did I change my passwords?

Date Day went great! SWMBO took me to breakfast at FPH cause she’s going to help some folks learn stuff at the genealogy library from 1300-1700 (or so). We still managed to spend way too much at Walmart getting things for the new RV.

Which we got yesterday. The Rv; not the stuff at Walmart. We left the house at 0700 and I expected it to take forever for us to get to the dealer. But, traffic moved right along and we had time to stop for breakfast before our appointment.

No problem with the trade-in. No problem with the financing it in my name alone (so I can build some non-married credit). No problem getting home.

We used 1/4 tank of gas getting to the dealer; which included a couple of long down grades. Used about 2/3 that coming back even with those former down grades becoming up grades on the way back. Cool!

Now I’m looking to how I can extend power to a receptacle under the bench seat. Think I can come in from the external plug-in near the door. That should work. Otherwise, it’s a nice RV. Looking forward to getting out on the road.

BTW, I keep Windows around ONLY because I use this program (Open Live Writer) and a program called VideoMach (which I paid for) cause I haven’t found a similar program in Linux. And Linux is totally bereft of a decent blogging program.

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