End Of Day. Wednesday.

Got tired of sitting on my ass all day and got out and cleaned my FIL’s Shop out in his garage. Was dirty. Messy. Some of those piles of sawdust had been there at least 4 years. Even found a, I don’t know what to call it, “carpet’ of dead mice inside his table saw cabinet. Cleaned all that out. Rearrangd some of his tool cabinets and swept the floor. Filled a 30-gal trash can with the stuff.

Other than that: SSDD. Trying to finish up laundry so I can start the final packing to take off Friday morning. Will do the final packing of the stuff they’ve given us tomorrow and load it into the truck. Joy. Won’t be able to final load the truck until SWMBO gets back from her meeting in Ann Harbor. Oh, well.
Looking forward to getting through the reunion and start heading home. I don’t really like Western WaRshington, but I do like our house.

Spending all this time with SWMBO has been a pure joy though. Too bad she’s got to go back to work.

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