It’s Another Sunday! Yay! Sorta…

No post yesterday cause it was pretty much the usual Saturday around here. Was nice most of the day so did some laying out between bouts of cleaning my side of the garage. Until it got cloudy.


SWMBO did take me to Jimmy D’s in Gorst for an early dinner and it’s always great to be able to sit down with her for awhile. Made our usual stop at Safeway on the way home.

PUD3 turned the electricity off at 2206 (by my clock) so they could do some work of some kind. It was off until about 0700 this morning.

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So far, today has been our usual Sunday. Laundry is started. Dishes ready to be washed. Made myself bacon, eggs, and hashed browns (and a toasted bagel) for breakfast. Just kinda sort watching old monster movies in the background while puttering around the house. (Tarantula. Gorgo. War of the Colossal Beast in the cue.)

Made Fried Chicken, Peas, & Red Beans & Rice for dinner. Didn’t turn out half bad if I do say so myself. And I will. Managed to lay out after dinner for about half an hour before it got too cloudy. Danged Mosquito’s! My tan’s coming along pretty good.

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Need to get off my lazy fat ass and put an ad on Craig’s List for the MILA and get that rented. We could use the bucks! Also have to take SWMBO’s mower over to a friends for him to see if he can repair it. He may also have a rider mower I can buy on payments; if I’m going to wind up doing the mowing then I’m going to have a rider mower. That’s all there is to it.

Waiting on the MCARC 2-meter chat net to start. Oh, wait. I’m supposed to start it. Ok then. About 15 minutes and we’ll get the show on the road.

Net went well even though we had only 5 check-ins. Did have one person join us tonight that we haven’t heard from in awhile and that’s always nice.

And that’s it for tonight. SWMBO has a show she wants me to watch with her so I’m going to spend some quality time with my schweetie! Semper Fi!

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