Lard Fries. Wonderful Lard Fries.

BCWC024aIt was time. Been raining pretty hard off and on and it was just time for my annual treat. So I picked up a container of LARD and made my annual batch of fries. Lard Fries. Fries that taste as they used to at Mcdonald’s and other “fast food” places before the Health Nazi’s took over and ruined everything. Hot Crispy Lard Fries that harden your arteries but mellow your soul. Lard Fries that make your balls tingle.

So I made a second batch. That’ll do for another year.

Sorry I haven’t been regularly posting lately. It’s End Of Summer and I’ve been outside a lot trying to get things done before the Winter Wet sets in. And walking the Dog.

The big project is trying to finish off the front steps. By the time I move/reposition 5 or 6 of those manor stone, and shovel a butt-ton of dirt, I’m pretty much done in for awhile. So that’s going kind of slow.


Plus the fact that I have absolutely no fucking idea what I’m doing. Masonry was not one of my aquired skills at any time in my life. What I’ve done looks so bad (to me) that Im seriously considering a contractor/masonry dude to redo the job. Unless it costs over $1k; then I’ll probably go with my crappy job.

2017-09-22 14.27.37

As you’ve probably guessed; the weather is a changing around here. Had a couple of dark cloudy days and a couple of heavy downpour days and all the leaves are turning colors. Been rather cool too. Enough so that I could worry about the garden finishing off. May have to bring SWMBO’s maters in early and let them get paper-sack ripe.

Getting light later (which I hate) and darker earlier (which I hate). I should move to Guam.

Watching The 2017 EclipsePlus: I’m falling apart. Used to be the Dog and I would walk 4-5 miles a day. Now we’re lucky to make it a mile throughout the day. My legs get really tired walking up the driveway to the dirt road that leads to the main dirt road. By the time we make one circuit of our 1/2 mile walk I’m done for awhile. Don’t get short of breath. Do get dizzy and hella tired feeling. Think I’m getting old. I mean Old.

I thought quitting smoking was supposed to make one healthier. Have had no nicotine for months. Don’t drink alcohol. Only climb on the roof occasionally. I just don’t know.

Anywho. Let’s see how today goes.

How it went: Phone holster thingie broke when I sat down. Seems to be the only substance on this planet that super glue won’t stick to. Drive 0 in the NAS went TU and I had to emergency replace it. Now I need to buy a couple more 5TB drives “just in case.” (But it seems the rebuild function worked perfectly! Great!)

Made a psuedo-BBQ Pork Chop with baked tater and mixed veggies for dinner. Yummy!

We got to pick SWMBO up at the QFC tonight! Woo Woo!

Think I’ll go watch “Adam Ruins …”

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