Only 81 Degrees Today. Still Nice!

Again I’ve been down in the MILA getting it back together.

  • Took all the tape and paper off the floors and whatever else needed to have the tape and paper removed.
  • Put the room doors and closet doors back on.
  • Put the shelves back in the closets.
  • Made a run to ACE and got the wax ring for the toilet and put the toilet back in place when I got back. No leaks (so far).
  • All light fixtures, faucets, exhaust fans, etc. are working fine.
  • Swept but haven’t swabbed yet. Still need to take one of those green scrubbing pads and clean the spots (and some paint spray) before I really swab the deck.


And that’s pretty much it until just now when I decided to take a break and go lay outside while it’s still nice. Supposed to rain the next couple of days and be a LOT cooler. Bummer! Can’t wait for summer.

Stopped at Lowes on the way to pick SWMBO up and bought a medicine cabinet with mirrors and a new smoke alarm to install in the MILA tomorrow. Bought a spray thing of paint remover that isn’t supposed to harm what’s underneath the paint to help clean up the floor down there and my spray paint unit. We’ll see how that goes.


And that’s it for today. Nice day. Wish I hadn’t felt a headache coming on for most of it!

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