Saturday Sure Started Early!

Woke up about 0430 and was up for awhile. Fell back asleep though and didn’t wake up until the alarm went off. Should have just stayed up. Now I feel like I’m trying to get a headache.

Andy Griffiths & Barbara Eden

My AR Drone could/should be here today. Maybe. If they don’t actually deliver to my house I’ll have to wait until Monday to go to the Post Office and pick it up. Our son took SWMBO’s car to work (which I didn’t know he was working today) and she has to take my truck to the Genealogy Library. So I hope they deliver…

Barbara Eden

Found X-Plane & Helo/Plane RC Apps for the Nexus 7. Cool! Now I got something to do besides read when I drop a dump. Smile I’ve already crashed multiple times trying to land.


Well, the AR Drone showed up. FedEx dude tried delivering it to the wrong place but it got all straightened out. Thing is a Hoot! I’ve already posted my first flight (crashed) and the last one I took today (didn’t crash) but am withholding the other 6 video’s where I crashed each and every time. Tried taking out both my antenna’s and the wind chimes. Wx was great for flying (or just being outside) though. We’ll see what happens tomorrow…

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