Well, We Signed All The Papers For The New House!

And what a traumatic experience it was! Way too many papers to sign. Way too much money spent. Final numbers came in at $361k and we had to show up with a check for $2500. Damn! Good thing we had it. SWMBO does a pretty good job with the finances.

So we went to McDonalds on the way home from Belfair to celebrate.

Spent my weekend, my Memorial Day weekend, My Holiday weekend – painting. Used the sprayer we bought last week ($300) and SWMBO spent $500 on paint (and something called KILZ) so the least I could do was spread it all over the walls and ceilings of the two big rooms in the new house. Man, at the end of the day I had paint in places I didn’t know I still had! I got paint everywhere! Looks good though. Will look better when I get the actual paint on!

I don’t know how often I’ll be posting for awhile. The only Internet access we can find is through Verizon Wireless; which will be hooked to SWMBO’s computer so she can continue to work from home. I’ll get to check my e-mail every so often (probably at least once a day) but won’t be able to download any new episodes of Fringe or Smallville. There’s a 5 Gig download limit per month on their wireless Internet. Bummer! But I should be able to check the news and weather without too many problems; as long as I remember not to go over the download limit.

Gotta let NetFlix know about the address change. But we don’t even know if we have a mailbox that far out (nearest we can find to the new house is 1/2 mile away) or if we have to rent a PO Box. PO Box will be a hassle as you have to make a stop on the way home or make a trip into town. I’ve got to go out to the house tomorrow so I’ll see if I can find a mailbox then or stop by the Post Office and rent a mailbox (if they have any available).

Anywho, have most of everything I can get into that PODS thingie in the PODS thingie. Need more boxes. Still have quite a bit to pack and get out there before Thursday. Gotta return the scaffolding I rented tomorrow also. And stop by Home Depot and buy a 10ft step ladder. Looks like my day is planned.

Ought to get off my lazy fat ass and get the last of the dishes and laundry done tonight so I won’t have to worry about it later. Cio!


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