Busy Busy Busy Busy!

Got up at my usual 0700 this AM. Woke SWMBO up around 0830 and had her take me to have an omelette that I didn’t have to cook myself (FPH). Stopped by Lowe’s and spent a good $70. Then went to our usual trip to Albertson’s and got some things we’ll need the coming week.

Got home and it was so nice I headed out to the property for awhile. Moved a bit of dirt. Splashed in the "mud hole" I made to cool off a bit. Read a bit and came on home.

House was empty. SWMBO had gotten a call from our Realtor to come on in and sign an addendum so we can get into the house this weekend. We have to fix some "problems" at the new place before the VA will sign off on it: missing switch covers, hanging lamps in the basement and the "door to nowhere" in the garage. Yeah, like anyone could walk through it. And paint, of course. After we wash all the walls to get the smoke smell off. I gotta rent scaffolding somewhere.

She actually saw me as we passed each other going in different directions. I just plain didn’t see her. She called me from the Realtors just as I walked in the door. They e-mailed me the form, I signed it, scanned it to a pdf file and e-mailed it back. Cool! I love computers!

Got word that our loan papers for the house went to the Escrow folks for us to sign. It seems as if its all going though. Cool! But we are going to be REALLY busy the next couple of weeks.

And I had to make a trip to Home Depot late this afternoon. Another $93 for things to fix the "problems" at the new house tomorrow.

Heard from a Niece of mine that I haven’t seen in 16-17 years. She contacted me through my guestbook. My brother Anthony’s daughter; Maisie. She’s got kids (which make me a Grand-Uncle) and doing well. Cool! Like I e-mailed her; I enjoy hearing from "Family" as long as they’re not asking me for money! :grin:


BTW, I probably owe Microsoft an apology(sp?). Found out I have a bad memory module (2 gig shows up as 1.25 gig) so I’ll probably get me another drive and reinstall Windows 7 for another try. And, yes, I’ve removed the bad memory module. Sheesh!

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