Possible Security Threat To Our Computers?

So, I downloaded and installed a program called PeerGuardian2. It helps block unwanted traffic on your computer from the Internet. It listed a whole bunch of TCP/UDP addresses it was blocking from my computer to the net. One of those being from a site called So I went to their site and got their IT e-mail address and e-mailed them to ask WHY my computer is trying to contact their computer? What could I have installed to make this come about? Well, their answer was:

Do you have a site ID or are you a valid contact with SAVVIS?
We would need this information to open a case for you.

Any sort of issue that you may be having will have to be addressed by
your ISP. We can only address issues for our customers that have a
valid site ID and are a valid company contact.

Thank you,
Adam Gray
Service Request Analyst
Built To Respond

So I guess their “Built To Respond” is a load of crap. Maybe they ought to change their motto to “Built To Respond Only If You’re A Member In Good Standing Meaning That You’ve Paid Your IT Bill On Time.” Well, technically they DID respond; but they were absolutely NO help. I guess I’m left with no choice but to report them to any agency I can as being possible hackers, spammers or Data-Miners. Something on my computer IS trying to contact their servers/site and I’d like to know what and why. Their “We can only address issues for our customers that have a valid site ID and are a valid company contact.” means to me that they aren’t concerned that they may be a possible security threat to my computer (or yours) because we haven’t paid their fee.

And, just to let you know: I sent off e-mails to half a dozen companies/sites asking why PeerGuardian2 was blocking my computer from contacting theirs. Meaning: why my computer was trying to contact their company/site at all and what could I have installed that makes my computer try to contact theirs? What kind of information were they trying to get? So far SAVVIS is the only response (such as it is).

Anyone have any ideas?

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It’s Been A Couple Of Days…

And I ain’t posted cause NOTHING has been happening. Well, except for my B-I-L finally getting his own apartment and moving his stuff out. Don’t get me wrong; I like my B-I-L, I just think him living here 6 months is a bit too long. Probably 5.5 months too long. :grin:

Been playing with Magix Music Maker 12 and it is COOL! I spent hours last night ’making’ music. I absolutely love that program! Been playing with Poser 7 also; lot’s of stuff to learn there! Really hard for someone with absolutely NO artistic talent.

Weather has been strange all around us. LOTS of mountain snow. Some lowland stuff. We’ve had rain and rain and a mixture of rain and rain with the occasional mixture of rain and snow. When it wasn’t raining that is. But at least the sun came out for a few seconds today and shone through the rain. (Shone? Shined?)

Put my dump truck up for sale on Craig’s List. Let’s see how long it takes to get a few dipshit remarks… Truck is as old as I am!

Put a ad to give the cat away too. I am damned tired of that cat being too lazy to go outside to crap but instead slinks all the way to the front room and craps behind my desk. Not all the time. Not everyday. Hell, not even every time it rains. But about every 3-4 days or so. But I’m tired of it.

SMALLVILLE was pretty good tonight. (And finally not a rerun thank you very much!) I knew Grant was going to get it as soon as he walked out of his office. I only hope they keep his character alive; to give Lex another worry if nothing else. Is that a chink in the relationship between Clark and Lana? Cool! I know ’Superman’ is supposed to wind up with Lois, but I still hope Clark and Chloe get together. She has such a wide-on for him!:mgreen:

Playing With Terragen.

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Wednesday and SWMBO’s At Work Again.

Now, what the hell was I going to write about? Hmmm… I hate these senior moments.

They had "Giga-Thrust Quake" on tonight. Guess that’s supposed to be worse than a "Giga-Quake". But that’s not what I was going to write about. Dirty Jobs? James Cagney night on TCM?

Went to the property and moved dirt today. It’s still cold out there. Worked mostly in and around the clearing. But me going to the property on a non-rainy day is to be expected so that can’t be what I wanted to write about either. Damn!

My brother-in-law? Don’t get me started.

Gotta do dishes but I know y’all aren’t interested in that. Hmmm…

Oh, yeah! Rented the movie (which SWMBO hates. "Why am I paying for Netflix?" she asks.) "D-War Dragon Wars." The special effects where outstanding. Especially the giant snakes and the Dragon (at least it was an Asian Dragon) at the end. But the movie sucked. Even the music/sound sucked. And how in hell did a Korean Myth get transported to Los Angeles and all the main characters turn White? What, was Cha Jin Hyuk & Kim Jeong Hoon busy? I know, I know. NOBODY played a Korean like Mako. :shock:

Dragon Wars. Great Effects. Crappy Movie.

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Is This Really True?

Really grim if true. This is about the fourth time I have seen this picture. It doesn’t appear to be photo-shopped. But it hardly makes any difference. Both Barack and Hillary voted against protecting the flag from desecration ( burning it is a “First Amendment Right”….but heaven help you if you call a deviate a deviate in public..). Both Barack and Hillary voted against making English the official language of the USA. Both Barack and Hillary voted to give illegal aliens ( felons and lawbreakers ) social security benefits, medical benefits, and other privileges that many legal citizens cannot afford for themselves. Don’t even ask about their military record. “Fifth column” comes to mind. Has the spirit of this country been neutered????

I had heard about this but a picture is definitely worth 1000 words! God save us!!!


Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem. Barack Hussein Obama’s photo (that’s his real name)……the article said he REFUSED NOT ONLY TO PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE… in heaven’s name can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief????

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