Not Spending As Much Time On Social

Getting back into reading. I love reading! There are quite a few People, Places, & Planets I want to visit again before I kick off. (Whenever that will be!) Killashandra Ree was first. Pern is next. Wolf’s Hour, Stinger, & Swan Song are on the list. Way Lots More!


Date Day with my lovely-young-bride of 31+ years yesterday went well. We ate at Burger King in Silverdale so she could go to Joann’s Fabrics (while I sat in the truck reading), Costco for some bulk(y) items and Safeway for those things we didn’t need a butt-ton of.

Oh, had the MCARC meeting in the morning. It was okay. Had a coupld of new folks and that’s always great.

Today I made Slow cooked (crockpot) Italian Chicken & Taters from a recipe I found on Pinterest. Nailed it!

Been rebuilding my drives since the two new 3 TB drives arrived last Thursday. Tried setting them up on my Windows 10 laptop and copied a lot of my stuff to them. Good thing I only copied! Had to repartition and reformat them when I installed them into my computer. Go figure. Had to use that GPT partitioning scheme so I could have drives over 2 TB; but eveyghing seems to be working well.


So, finished reinstalling X-Plane 11 and getting that set up. Made a short flight from Yellowstone to Seattle and landed fine. Still can’t get really high graphics but not too bad. Good enough to fly. Still going to either make or buy a machine for X-Plane on the big monitor.

Danged pipe backed up! Water all over the floor in the laundry room and the kitchen sink was full. Got it to drain slowly. SWMBO got online and found a “recipe” of dish soap in boiling water poured down the sink. Tried it and it seems to have worked. Ran water in the kitchen sink for over 2 minutes and it didn’t back up. Next load of laundry will tell.

The MCARC 2-meter Sunday Chat Net went well with only 3 check-ins. Are we getting too boring for folks to check in? Net Control had to quit early to fix a bloody nose for one of his kids!

I’m gonna go lay down and read.

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