Not A Bad Day!

Sure, I spent most of the day doing "housework," but the weather was okay (cool but dry) and I got a lot accomplished. Cleaned the kitchen, got 80% of the laundry done and SWMBO made dinner. Cool!

On our Friday Date last Friday we went to see "The Green Hornet." I could have waited for the DVD myself, but we enjoyed it anyway. Had a friend along with us. Hope he had a good time.

Not too much going on around here. Went to the annual meeting of the Gold Mountain Repeater Assoc next to the fair grounds in Silverdale yesterday. Boring. And I didn’t win the raffle either! But the ride was nice even with it sprinkling off and on.

Still studying for my General ticket. Test will be Feb 12th. I think I’ll pass it this time. Would like to get on 20-meters and start making some contacts! Been listening to PSK31 on 20-meters and have seen people from Japan and Russia "typing" back and forth with people all over the U.S. I’d like to get into that.

And that’s about it. Things around the house are pretty much SSDD all the time. I get up, spend a couple of hours browsing the jobs sites, get some house work done, check mail then walk the dog for awhile and not much else. I’ll be glad when hot weather gets back even if we no longer have the other property to escape to for a couple of hours.


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