It’s all pretty normal…
Except I didn’t get to go out and push an mud today. Raining too much. SWMBO and I did go and talk to Mike Boyle at North Bay Mortgage about getting financing for our project. He seems pretty sure that we’ll get the $260k this is going to require. (But that’s his job, ain’t it?)
Called Bob the Dome Guy and talked about getting final numbers for building his part.
Got a message back from Mark at the Planning Department. Not good. They’re willing to waive the requirement for the Special Inspectors IF our Engineer (Chris) signs a form taking sole responsibility for the shotcrete and is there every day shotcrete is sprayed. Unfortunately he’d be about 4 times more expensive than having the Special Inspectors come every day for 10 days or so. So it looks like we’ll have to give in and have the SI’s anyway! Damn!