Dang! Just Nothing Going On!

I mean it. Mostly.

We weathered the two "storms" that came through last week or so. Got a bit of wind and a little bit of rain but nothing we couldn’t handle. The power flickered only a couple of times. Cool.

Finally got the next-to-last (maybe) bookcase built enough to use and it is in the library now. SWMBO is already putting the last of the books on it. Now I need to get to Home Depot and buy some trim to finish all of them. We’ve pretty much decided to put a big tv in the library (where all the comfortable seating is) so I may have to build a combination stand/bookcase/electronics shelves thingie; but that is in the future. Now I can take the time and do a complete field day on my "shop." :-D

SWMBO and I have been putting a garden in for her. She’s built about half of the raised bed out of all those cement blocks she bought and I’ve been moving some of that good dirt from down-hill up to it. Filled a dozen plant pots with the good dirt also. I planted some of the Tomato’s but she’s done most of the planting. She planted spaghetti squash and maters and brussel sprouts. Now we see if they’ll grow.

And that’s about it. Did dig up another stump for my neighbor but my digger is too small to rip it out of the ground so we’re waiting on another neighbor with a bigger tractor to help get it out.

Still no new washer so I’m having to take laundry down to the laundry mat. Sucks! $2 a load!

Trying not to but am getting more and more upset about the way our country is headed with Obama (Hell, The Democrats!) in charge. I am not a happy camper! But I don’t like the government ramming things down my throat; especially if it’s going to cost me more money. But don’t get me started!

More later. Tearing down the old, temporary, bookcase…

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This is chilling …


President Truman

established one day a year as a
"NationalDayof Prayer."

President Reagan

designated the
First Thursday in May of each year as

the NationalDayof Prayer.

In June2007
Candidate Barack Obama

declared that the USA was no longer a
Christian nation.

This year
President Obama,

canceled the
21st annual National Day

of Prayer ceremony

at the White
House under the ruse
of "not wanting to offend anyone"

On September 25, 2009

from 4 am until 7 pm, < ?xml:namespace prefix = o />

a National Day of Prayer

for the Muslim religion was Held on Capitol Hill,
Beside the White House.

There were over 50,000 Muslims that
day in DC.

I guess it doesn’t matter

if"Christians" are offended by this event – We obviously don’t count as "anyone" anymore.

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It’s A Pretty SSDD Wednesday Around Here!

Still doing all the normal things: building the last bookcase for the “library.” House work & Laundry etc etc etc ad nausium. My life really doesn’t change much.

We did go and help SWMBO’s brother move a couple of Sunday’s ago from someplace to someplace else. Four of us, well, 3 1/2 of us if you count her brother, moved all the stuff from his old apartment into the truck he rented, across town to another town, and up to his new apartment. Lot of work!

Finally finished planting the trees we bought at Home Depot then got 10 more in the mail from the Arbor Society folks. I guess you could call them trees. They look like twigs with roots. Except the one with no roots at all. I got them all planted in pots and set out on the sun deck for maximum exposure.

Speaking of which; our weather has gone to hell and back and they may have frozen the other night. Weather dude keeps talking about thunderstorms (which we haven’t seen) and the possibility of low land snow in the mornings (which we haven’t seen either). But it has been getting cold and it has been raining a lot and hard. Some hail also. No thunder and lightning though. Bummer! :grin:

Not much going on. Ran my digger dry (almost) out piling stuff into the fire I started last week. Thing burned for 4 days even through the rain. Made lots of smoke!

Oh, our clothes washer went tits-up the other day. Everything works but the agitator. That just makes a squealing sound. So I had to take the load that was in it to the laundromat. What a trip! They’ve changed the machines. Now you have to pay the lady then she goes out and sticks a card into the machine and it runs a cycle. No more begging quarters! Cool.

Still making time-lapse video’s of the clouds occasionally. Still playing with making my own music. Still converting our cassette tapes to digital format and all this paper I have stored to .pdf files. About ready to start those boxes of pictures…

Now you have the gist of my life!

Trying Something:

Who Sucks More?

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Hmmm. Doesn't seem to have worked...

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What The Heck Is Going On?

Not much. Thought I’d better get off my ass and update this blog before I completely forget what’s happened around here.

Let’s see… Ummmm. Not much. We did go on a ’day trip’ and drove around some. Last weekend I think…

It did finally really snow here (last monday?). For just over an hour it snowed like Winter really wanted to finally come in with a bang. Nice and heavy and was getting some nice accumulation. Then the sun came out and melted it all within 10 minutes or so. Bummer!

Last Tuesday or so SWMBO and I spent way too much money at Home Depot on (cottage stone? Building blocks for a fence.), three (Box bushes? Used for hedges.) four different fruit trees (Apple, Cherry, Plum & Peach) and a couple of Blueberry bushes. I got the Box bushes planted where I want them and the Blueberry bushes in pots out in the back yard. The fruit trees are still waiting for SWMBO to point out where she wants them and her help to put them in. Then we find out none of the fruit trees are self-pollinating and we have to buy them all mates. Shoot!

Rest of the week was pretty much ssdd. Worked on the last bookcase for the library some. Made a new template for drilling the shelf holes. Finally cleaned up the shop some. Continued converting our cassette tapes to digital format. Scanned some more documents to Paperport. (Including my old "Divorce Diary." Can’t believe I wrote some of that crap!) Need to get on scanning the boxes of pictures I still have laying around! (I hate doing that though on this scanner cause you can scan only one picture at a time. My last scanner you could make it scan every picture on the glass individually. That means if I had 10 pictures on the glass, I could highlight each picture and it would scan each into it’s own file without changing pictures between scanns. That wasn’t very clear, was it? Ah well.)

Watching the Dem’s vote in their new health care bill. Can’t believe they’re going on with it with all the opposition they’re getting. I used to believe we had a say in what our government does to us; but I don’t anymore. Hell, just locally we (the voters) voted against building a new stadium Twice only to have the government build it anyway and tax us for it. And I don’t even go to the thing! It seems that our Federal Government spends a lot of time doing things for us that we don’t want done without our approval. I hate "Its for your own good" folks. I’d much rather decide for myself what’s good for me. I really think this is going to make a lot of things much worse and fail miserably. It’ll take a couple of years but it will fail. And I really believe that All Elected Officials should be required to obey any law they pass for us and be required to enroll in any plan they force us to participate in. I also believe Congressmen & Senators should NOT get all the benefits and perks they get. their pay should stop the moment they no longer have the job and they should NOT get a retirement unless they spend a minimum of 20 years on the job. But don’t get me started!

But what I really want to know is: When Will We Hire (elect) People To Office That Will Do What WE Want Done? Why do we let people force us to accept what they think is best for us? Why are Americans afraid to use their minds and not accept anything but the best from those that are Supposed to be serving US? Why do we give away our power of self direction?

We have so many laws that limit what we can and can’t do that it’s impossible for anyone to keep up with them. That’s because sometime back in the mid to late 1950’s we gave away our common sense. Somewhere along the way most of the people alive just gave it away. It’s like they woke up one morning and it was missing and no one ever thought to look for it. And they never thought to pass it on to their kids! Common Sense? What’s that!? You mean maybe I shouldn’t make all that noise really early in the morning or really late at night ’cause it might annoy my neighbor. Hell, let’s make a law for that! And there are so many of our laws that directly reflects the lack of common sense. And respect.

Have y’all ever seen a tag on an iron that says something like: CAUTION: DEVICE GETS HOT. YOU MAY EXPERIENCE BURNS IF YOU TOUCH BARE SKIN WITH A HOT DEVICE. DO NOT SUBMERGE DEVICE IN WATER AS YOU MAY EXPERIENCE AN ELECTRICAL SHOCK AND DIE. Well, that’s because a lot of folks have no common sense and someone, somewhere, did both of those things. Common Sense would tell ME that if the thing gets hot (which it is supposed to do) then I’d better not touch it to my skin as I might get burned. And Common Sense would also tell me not to submerge anything in water that is plugged into an electrical outlet as I will probably receive a shock that could possibly kill me! But I’m so far above the average in common sense that I sometimes scare myself!

Oh, and remove that tag from the flat shiny part before you plug it in and turn it on. Otherwise you could burn the tag and ruin the flat shiny part that gets hot. (Remember: that flat shiny part gets HOT.)


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