Not Sure What Set Me Off Today

The Mayor of Seattle is proposing an ordinance to make it illegal to trash talk Muslims. Okay, let’s just completely fuck the 1st for now. But, how about including Christian/other “religions” and not protect just the poor, misunderstood, lying, murdering, practitioners of Islam?


Just a wild thought here: It would seem that if the Christian Religions really wanted to become popular, protected, and welcome in all corners of the world, that all “they’d” need to do is ram some planes into an important building, or two, killing a bunch of folks, behead a couple of hundred Muslims and other non-Christians, throw a few “Gays” off a building or two, move into neighborhoods then demand that the prevailing laws be changed to suit their religion, and video tape everything for posting on YouTube. Oh, and elect a Christian President unlike our present President.

Yeah, I need to quit watching the morning News. They claim to be Fox News, but they ain’t. The actually read this LiberalIslam shit with a straight face. I’m not going to be able to watch them anymore. I’ll just get my Wx report from NOAA (and ignore their temperature-tampering).


I guess I’m just getting old. I mean really old. Old inside. I hate this fucking State. I hate fucking Libtards. I’ve come to hate most Muslims, Atheist’s, and most anyone that yells “Black Live Matter” when, in fact, ALL Lives Matter.

And I think I hang around the house too much.

Sorry. I try not to use this blog as a Soapbox. I try not to get “preachy.” I do mostly believe in “live and let live” but am finding damned few other’s that will let me live without trying to force their shit on me. But don’t get me started!


Took my computer apart today to swap out a couple of drives for the larger drives formatted in ext4. They seem to work faster. You would NOT believe the amount of dust and dirt I blew out of this thing! OMG. I should probably do it more often.

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Can’t Pass A Stupid Law? Regulate It!

Which is what the FAA has just done to all American Drone Owners. Not being able to pass a (stupid) LAW, they pressed the “Let’s regulate it” button. And, not only are they forcing us to “register” our drones, but they want us to pay for it. Dipshits. Well, the FAA can kiss my pale, old, Ass. I fly on my property well below 400 feet and “they” can just plain kiss my ass. (I’m all for prosecuting those that endanger other’s through their own stupid actions, but, I don’t agree that ALL people should be punished for the Darwinian few.)


Do we have, or can we DO, anything that’s not regulated in one form or another? And we let them get away with it! Damn, I’m sick of our Government. Sick of other people telling me what I can and cannot do even when I’m by myself. Sick of other people telling me what to not/do for my protection.

Hell, We can’t even “speak our minds” anymore. Not even allowed to look someone like Obama, Clinton, Biden, (and a whole host of others) in the eye and say: “You, sir, are a fucking idiot!” (Yes, I included HRC cause she’s got really big balls to stay in the public eye after all the lies she’s told.) You can bash Baptists all damned day, but, God forbid you should say anything bad about the POS Muslims. The “thought Police” are watching your every post, unless you’re a potential terrorist.


Aaaah! The FAA really got me started tonight. But mostly I’ve hit the breaking point with “regulations.” Especially from folks I never voted into office. Especially to folks I never met and never willingly gave control over anything in my life to. Dipshidiots!

Took the Dog to the Vet early this morning. He had an appointment. His ear infections just aren’t clearing up. Turns out he has a different type of bacterial infection than he had earlier. $170 bucks and two hours later we be home. I need to give him another flea-bath too. Dork!


Other than that: SSDD. Yesterday? SSDD. Tomorrow? Probably SSDD. Did get to pick SWMBO up at the Ferry Landing. That’s always fun.

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Thoughts On Water

So, if all the water on Earth has been around since the Earth was formed (or shortly thereafter, geologically speaking), (and I may have drank water that the dinosaurs drank) I’m wondering: When we combine hydrogen & water in the correct proportions and make new water, will it last damned near forever like the water we already have? Are we adding to the total body of water that exists on Earth with every drop from a tailpipe of those fuel cell cars running around now?


And, if we are, how long before this causes massive flooding of the Earth’s surface? Are we causing our own demise through drowning by trying to “save the Earth?” Maybe we ought to outright ban all the fuel cell’s just in case?

I’m such a crack-up!


It’s still early so not a lot going on and I don’t really have much planned for today except to finish Chapter 4 in the Extra Class manual (I’m so fuckin’ lost!) before Class tonight.  Netflix should be in also. The Usual Chores. And that’s really about it.

Exciting, I know!


Moved the “Big Room” (contents!) around so I can position the treadmill & cycle to face the big TV; so when I exercise I can watch a movie or something while walking or peddling my ass around the Big Room. (The cycle doesn’t really move though.) Then the Big TV started going “funny.” Picture is split into different colors. Probably time to get a new one.

Anyway, this is probably it for posting tonight. By the time I get home from the class I’m way past my bedtime and pretty tuckered. Old, you know. So I thought I’d get it done early. Way early, it turns out.

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Hey, Hillary! You Should Quit While You’re Ahead (Of Prison)

Just so you know, (H)er (R)oyal (C)u*t is:

Ambitious, Calculating, Disingenuous, Feels Entitled, Insincere, Out of Touch, Over Confident, Polarizing, Represents the Past, Secretive, Will Do Anything to Win, Dishonest, Amoral, Immoral, and A Murderer.

Just though y’all ought to know. Maybe you ought to give up before you’re prosecuted and climb back under that rock. Take both Obama’s & Fonda with you. And your HRC Super Volunteers Nazi group.

And y’all go ahead and take me to court. I got nothing. You’ll get nothing. And I want to see y’all prove, to the public, that she ain’t any of this. I don’t think y’all can.

There. Got that off my chest. Anytime any “group” starts in on threats like they’ve made it kinda sorta gets my dander up. Nazi Assholes. Almost worse than FEMA. “We’ll be watching…” Yeah, well watch this, Bitch!


Not much going on. Too early. About to get my shower out of the way and start my day. All the usual and it’s supposed to start raining again later today. Oh, Joy! Ah, the life of a Retiree.

Later: Made a trip to Harbor Freight & Tools in Tacoma and bought a small 900 watt generator to run my radio (and possibly some of the things in the Caravan) for $109. If it works 10 times for me to do the things I want to do then I’ll be happy. If it works more than that I’ll be happier! Was a nice drive there and back. Not too much traffic.

A couple of days ago SWMBO’s Son’s truck quit working (won’t start) and he left it right in the place that makes it difficult for me to get in and out of the garage. I have to do a 8 point turn. Had him leave the key with me this morning and about 1000 I went out, showed the truck my screwdriver, and it started right up. Moved it out of the way.

Never, ever, under estimate the power of a screwdriver. Sonic or not!

Got to pick my lovely young bride of almost 30 years up at the Ferry Landing tonight. I do enjoy spending time with her!

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