If I Were A Rich Man. Yada Yada Yada Yada Yaaaaaaaaa.

Try getting that out of your head over the next several hours! Not much going on around here. Pretty SSDD day. Mostly sunny starting around noon. Warm. Nice. But I haven’t left myself a whole lot to do outside. Didn’t stop me from hanging outside as much as possible; but I was pretty lazy doing it. Hey, I’m retired.

I Used To Be Skinny, In Shape, And Young!

Did go through the freezer in the pantry to find something for dinner. Trying to eat out of the freezer a bit more cause things still do go bad in them; just at a much slower pace. Anywho, found a crab a friend gave me a few months ago, and, walla, dinner. That and a couple of ears of corn I got last Saturday went down just fine. Messily, but fine. (Need to take a shower after that dinner. Crab everywhere!)

And, yes, I know it should be “voilà.” (With the little accent thingie over the a.)

And that was pretty much my day. Kinda slow. Kinda boring. Once I cut a hole in the cabinet in the Caravan and installed the new plug & faceplate, my day was pretty much done. Aside from all my “usual” chores, that is. Even watered the garden.


Working on my “electronic” library. All the .epub files I have. Trying to straighten them up (internally) and import them into Calibre. Only several thousand to go! So I’m starting with my favorite Authors and working through their books I have.

And it turns out I’m missing four “Odd Thomas” books that I didn’t even know had been written!

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