I’m Getting OLD And Forgetful

As proven by me getting up @ 0600, out of the house by 0715, into town (about 5 miles) before realizing that I FORGOT MY DAMNED TEETH sitting in their watery grave on the bathroom sink. Shit. Turn around. Go back home.

On The Way Home From Shelton

But the MCARC meeting in Shelton went well and it was a pretty drive. I got nominated for Club President for next year. Voting next month but it’ll happen. No one volunteered to be Treasurer though. Jerry (N7YGE) gave a nice presentation on APRS programs.

Just not much else going on but the usual. SWMBO is out showing her friend from work Bremerton. We may meet for dinner at the all you can eat Chinese place in Port Orchard; but we may not. We moved our date to Monday this week. Good thing she has Monday off! We’re thinking of spending part of it going to RV places over on the other side of the water.

Which we did. Eat at the all you can eat Chinese Place in Port Orchard. I always walk out of that place stuffed. But it was nice sitting with my schweetie. They left to drop her friend off at the Ferry and I came on home. Rode the back, winding, way from Gorst to Belfair. Nice. (I really like this new truck!)

Screenshot 2015-02-14 15.04.01

And that is pretty much it for today. Just lounging around being lazy for the rest of the evening.

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