SSDD Still…

I know. I know. I could be a bit better at posting even through my crappy internet connection. Most times I feel busy and just don’t feel like the hassle of hooking up the phone and enduring dial-up speeds. Ugh!

Not much different going on. Weather is still lousy and getting lousier every day. Not raining for the next few days anyway. Getting colder though. Ugh.

Had a pretty good Thanksgiving (again!) this year. Relatives & Friends over for dinner. SWMBO made her usual excellent turkey breasts. Gave our Son and SWMBO’s brother plenty to take home afterwards. I still have a whole turkey breast for cold turkey sandwiches! Cool! I love cold turkey sandwiches. The mayo probably isn’t very good for me, but I still like cold turkey sandwiches. And it ain’t a cold turkey sandwich without mayo.

Getting my pool playing skills back by playing at least a game a day. Like it!

Still going over to my friends house and downloading our favorite tv shows. No new Smallville or Supernatural for a few weeks. Ugh!

Still working on building bookcases. Have two more for the library then 2 for our bedroom (headboard) and I should be done with bookcases. Then I can start on shelves for the back of the pantry, shelves for the closet off the living room and shelves for the garage. And I’m going to build a new base for our bed with a new headboard to fit between the bookcases.

Got out and about and stopped by Staples and bought some blank DVD-R’s. Then stopped by my friends house and downloaded a couple of things. Then stopped by Home Depot and bought some wood for shelves for the bookcases I’m working on and wood for SWMBO’s "felt wall" that she wants me to make for her to hang quilting squares on before she sews them together. Installed a motion detecting light over the basement back door this evening.

So it ain’t like I got nothin’ to do!

Dang! It’s raining again and the motion detecting light is going on and off. Maybe I have it set too sensitive?

Four police officers were killed in (Lakewood? Whatever’s just south of Tacoma) either late last night or early this morning. Cops think there might be an undeclared war against them going on (or just starting). Feel sorry for the cops families.

Oh, SWMBO bought a new car. 2009 KIA Sportage V6 4-wheel drive that’s bright blue in color. I like it. Fanciest thing in it for me is the usb port that you can plug a thumb drive into and the radio picks up any music on it and plays it through the radio. Cool! (Have we seen the end of the cd?) SWMBO likes listening to the comedy on the satellite radio while her complimentary subscription is still good. Nice little car.

SWMBO has made our reservations at the motel in Bend, Oregon for us to stay next summer for the Sister’s Quilt Show. We’re planning to go down 2 days early and spend some time just driving around the desert. Cool!

Bought a film/slide scanner at COSTCO ($50) and have been scanning old negatives. Lots of pictures I never had printed up. There’s some of the Ex- that she definitely wouldn’t want to get out! :-P Lots of black and white photos. Uploaded some lightning photo’s to my personal album that I took WAY back in 1975 in Baltimore, Md. Also got a program called "Paperport" and am scanning all my old magazines (that I’ve kept for years) into .pdf format. It helps you get your documents organized and is working great.

Oh yeah. SWMBO had her 50th birthday. Hard to believe. She still seems young to me. Took her out for a birthday breakfast and a short drive around. She has the next week off work so she wanted to get started on the million and one things she wants to accomplish.

Gotta go! Rodan is kicking ass!

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