Weather Sucks!

My landlord, the guy that bought our old house, has ’hired’ me to dig out the pond at his house so we went and got the digger today. (I always ment to dig out that pond but never got to it. Just too busy working and doing other things… It was raining way too hard to get started on it today though.

Really not much going on. SWMBO bought 50 pounds of apples and we (I) spent a lot of yesterday peeling & coring them (thank goodness for the peeler/corer thingie!) and boiling them down for applesauce. A friend of our brought over this thing that you pour the boiled-down apples in and turn a crank and it separates the applesauce from the skins and stuff. Worked pretty cool! I’ll have to see if there is a motorized version for my mixer. SWMBO spent a few hours today canning it all. Got about 20 pint jars of applesauce. (Note to self: next time add a bit of lemon juice to the applesauce before boiling to keep it whiter…)

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