REALLY Not Much Going On…

Last Friday was our usual date; but we didn’t really go on a date. Talked to the finance folks (couple of hours there) and ate at the food court at the Silverdale Mall. Finance folks say it could be up to 8 weeks before we’ll know if we got financing or not. DAMN! I’m not sure we’re going to be able to get started this year. If we don’t get the dome up before the rainy season it ain’t going to happen until it quits raining. They can’t put in the foam at all if the dome is wet at all. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!!!

Been hanging around the house the last couple of days. Yesterday my landlord, Virgil, said that I could use his log splitter and that he’d drop it by. I waited all day…. Not that I wasn’t busy! Had to completely dismantle the toilet in SWMBO’s bathroom and replace the wax seal. That took a couple of hours! And man, was it ever fun!

Didn’t do much except dishes today. Little bit of laundry. Baked SWMBO some peanut butter cookies. Playing with X-Plane and Combat Flight Sim 2 and listening to the tv. It’s been raining off and on since yesterday so I haven’t been out to the property. Kind of miss it…

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