Rained Like Crazy For Awhile Today!

NC-002jRained so hard I could hear it while in my bathroom. Which is damned near in the middle of the house. Twelve foot ceilings. Walls. Luckily it lasted only a few minutes. Looked outside and I sure wouldn’t have wanted to be outside at that moment.

But, the Dog and I did manage one walk before it started raining fairly steady and one kind of between the raindrops this afternoon. He’s amazed that I can find so many sticks to throw for him to get! Absolutely astounded.

Other than that: Nada. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Got my usual chores done. Something was really smelling in the trash so I took it out. Time to make a dump run.

And that’s it. Short post today. Just didn’t really do anything except play on the computer. Broke Linux Mint and fixed it. (Video/Monitor problem after sudden reboot.)

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