Which means that there ain’t a damned thing going on around here. Me and the Dog take our walks several times a day. I get my usual chores done. Sometimes I cook up something special for dinner. Otherwise I don’t really have a whole lot going on . I do lead a pretty boring life.
My yeasu FT-857d is going TU on me. Yesterday it locked up and I had to factory reset it 3 times. Really starting to piss me off. Sometimes when I turn it on the display just stays dark but the radio seems to work. Other times it locks when I press and hold the function button to get to the deep menu. Nothing to do then but unhook it from any power and wait awhile before turning it back on.
Looked up the control head and the cheapest I can find one is $300; and I’m not 100% sure that would fix the problem. I am not an electronics tech! But it may be the way to start unless I just send it off to the shop. Spendy!
Anyway, SWMBO got home just before the MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Chat Net and once that was done I got to watching the second “Kingsman†movie and it’s time to go to bed now. Adios!