Sent SWMBO To Oregon, Ohio

Just for the weekend! She’s going to be back Tuesday. Last week she mentioned that she would like to spend birthdays with her Mom. Well. I happen to think the world of her and am always wishing I could do more for her, and had the bucks, so I had her buy a ticket to go visit for the weekend. Round-Trip!

So she left from work yesterday to her flight. Had a stop over in Houston (???) and got to Detroit around Noon. I have to assume she got to her folks alright since she hasn’t contacted me. YET. (I’ve come to expect this over the past 30+ years, so, no biggie.) Hope she has a great weekend.

Me and the Dog aren’t doing much. Making our usual walks. Dodging rain when possible. Farting around the house.

Got tired of Turkey and went to Safeway and bought all the burger makings. They were good! Even deep fried some fries for the complete burger experience.

Wish I could say I felt good. I don’t. Even fell asleep at 2230 last night and didn’t wake until 0600 this morning; and still don’t feel well. Dizzy. Tired feeling.

BTW, back there they pronounce it “O-re-gone” and will let you know if you mispronounce it. Out here you live in “O-re-gun.” The in-laws house is somewhere near Nevada (pronounced Nee-vay-da) street. So there!

Oh, Thanksgiving went well. Didn’t manage to invite any Navy folks but our neighbor did stop by. That made 5 of us not counting the Dog. WAY too much to eat. The new turkey roaster thing worked really fine.

Anywho, it’s started to really rain outside. It’s only 1930 but I’m ready to lay down and read or just be quiet. Getting a headache. I hate weather changes!

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