It’s Our Fairly Usual Friday!

Which means my SWMBO took me for “breakfast” at the all-you-can-eat Chinese place in Port Orchard. Good food: Just Not Breakfast! I still rolled out stuffed to the gills though! I really like their seafood & chicken…

X-Plane 2013-05-27 14-15-03-07

Stopped by Lowe’s and got some stain to finish off the deck railings and such. I sure could spend a lot of money in that store! Stopped by the “Vape” shop in Bremerton and Safeway back in Belfair. Minor side trip to Blockbuster and we’re home.

Kind of breezy out today and much cooler than the last few days.

Megan Fox

Posted my pictures from the NMARES Annual Picnic to my gallery, Flickr & G+. That outta be enough places for anyone to find them!

Got an e-mail (sort of) from my younger brother that I haven’t heard from in years. Hope he can tell us what’s become of our other brother (whom I haven’t heard from in 20 years or so).

Deadly Mantis

Just not much else going on right now. Think I’ll take the dog for a walk.

Decided just to lazy out and watched “Real Steel” and am now working on the Jack Black remake of “King Kong.” Just call me LazyOldDocKing for today!! (Gotta get up early tomorrow and go “cover” the Rhapsody Ride Allyn Park station for MCARC.)

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