With a projected high of possibly 105 degrees Thursday. Cool! Western WaRshingtonians Will Melt In Place This Week! I might even try to bake something in my truck just to see if I can. (Haven’t done that since I lived in Yuma Way Back When.)
Our Date Day last Saturday (yesterdat) went pretty much as usual. We dropped a large meat pizza off to the Missionaries then SWMBO took me to Sister’s Restaurant for their chili burger. Was good; as usual. Made our usual stop at Walmart on the way home.
And all the usual “stuff†today. Watering. Laundry. Gardening. Being outside as much as possible. SWMBO made dinner and I made heavy inroads on it. The MCARC 2-meter Sunday Chat Net went well; only 5 of us checked in.
Posted the High Heat Alert on the Club website. Not much more I can do. May go spend $10 for a wading pool to keep full of water for the Dog to jump into. He likes doing that.