Holy, Hell! It Is WET Out There!

It has been raining since we got back from our trip. Not steady nor all the time, but, close enough. I’ve been able to get out for a walk without getting rained on a couple of times. And it’s really been coming down today! I’m starting to hear reports of trees falling over from being soaked.

cap_(1983) Octopussy (HD)_00^%04^%04_14

Can’t say that I’ve been particularly busy or anything. Just haven’t felt like posting. Still have my “daily routine” with my usual chores and such; but haven’t done very much beyond that. Been scanning a LOT of pictures trying to get all those done and put away.


Last Saturday, during our usual Walmart stop on the way home from eating (at El Sombrero’s this time) SWMBO bought me the complete Twilight Zone series. On DVD but still, all 150+ episodes. So I’ve been ripping and converting them for the NAS and having a Twilight Zone marathon. Cool!

I also picked up the complete James Bond collection on Blu-Ray for my Father-in-law for Christmas. He’s a BIG fan. SWMBO is going to pick up a Blu-ray player (soon I hope) so we can get both in the mail soon.

cap_War Wagon, The (1967)(HD)_00^%03^%20_02

Turns out: I am a Dog person and I miss having a Dog around. I still miss my Dog but started looking around for breeds of Dog’s that stay between 15-20 pounds and short haired. The problem I have is that all the “adoption” places want $200+ (usually around $400) to “adopt” a Dog. Sorry, probably not happening.And I guess those places don’t realize how many Dog’s they have to kill because they are just too out-priced for most of us. Dipshidiots.

Got to pick SWMBO up at the QFC tonight. Cool! Rained the whole time I was out though.

Anywho, that’s all that’s been going on around here. Raining. Scanning. Choreing. Ah, the Retired Life.

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