Well, now that I have your attention I can tell you: Not Much Going On! :grin: BTW, there’s no such thing as Free Sex or Free Booze or Free Drugs or Free Smokes. In reality there are damn few things that are truly Free.

Except for doing stuff around the house I haven’t been doing too much at all. Weather SUCKS! Been cold and raining off and on all week so I haven’t gotten outside much. About the only major thing I’ve done all week is stack some wood. And I mean "some."

Our usual Friday ’date’ went well even if we didn’t go anywhere "special." SWMBO took me out for breakfast at the Family Pancake House in Port Orchard. Afterwards we went down to one of the "Moble Home" dealers in Gorst and walked through a few of their models. TRAILERS sure have changed over the past 30 years! The last one we looked in, a triple wide, was humongous! And, honestly, beautiful on the inside.

And I’ll tell you why we went looking at moble homes: we’re trying to get ourselves ’psyched’ in case we don’t get the loan to build our dome or it’s just too damned expensive to get the loan. Last figures SWMBO came up with were right around $337k @ $2500/mo for payments. !!!!! She says that’s 51% of our present income (without me working). Still, Damn! So she wants to go through the plans and materials and cut out all the ’fat.’ Which is already almost all cut out. The only thing left is for me to do all the work other than the actual building of the dome. Which I’m pretty sure I can do but it ain’t gonna be quick. And some of it won’t be pretty.

Building a ’stick’ house would be about 10% cheaper than the dome; but financing for it would be a LOT easier to get. Financial institutions seem to have trouble loaning money for "eco-friendly" damn-near-self-sustaining highly efficient DOME homes but stand with hands full of money thrust forward for an inefficient heat leaking have-to-replace-the-roof-every-25-years stick homes I just don’t understand it. SWMBO wants me to research insulated concrete panels just in case…

Quickies: Battlestar Galactica was killer last night. Got out to the property today and loaded up the last of the wood I cut and brought it home. Tried digging up and pushing over a tree while I was out there but the roots go too damned deep. Thinking of getting off my ass and getting some dishes and laundry done.

Playing with Poser 7

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