We Went To Bowling & Breakfast this morning…

And I actually won a couple of games. Actually, using the 12lb ball, I had the two best scores since we re-started bowling. Was really hungry by the 3rd game and didn’t do so well for that one. Breakfast at the Family Pancake House was pretty good!

Stopped and bought some bedding for the travel trailer we have out back so Robert (SWMBO’s Brother, who’s going to stay with us for awhile) won’t have to sleep on the bare bed. Bought myself a new joystick also; since I’ve worn the old one out "playing" X-Plane or FSX. AND the darn thing was about 5 years old. The new joystick has the same amount of buttons but the damned thing ’twists’ also. Cool!

Went out to the property and cut up a load of wood. Started raining just as I put the last piece in the back of the truck. Saw a thing on the news this morning where Climatologists predict a colder, wetter winter this year. I HOPE NOT!! At least until AFTER we get the dome up. Then I don’t care. Everything will be inside then.

Ah well…

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