
Just had a meeting with the contractors , Jeff & Ken. Phew! After going through almost anything you could think of for building a dome the total comes out to over $371k. Phew! I knew when we first started that $150k wasn’t going to be enough; but, damn! But when you stop and look at it, with the prices nowadays it’s really not that expensive. New stick homes (in our sizes) start at $250k around here. And that’s on a quarter-acre lot! If that! We got our 5.77 acres for just over $19k and the 5.1 acre property next door (unimproved. I mean Nothing on it! POSSIBLE Mt. Rainier view (in their wildest dreams!)) just went on the market for $150k.

So, the contractors are going to really finalize the numbers tomorrow then we’ll go for financing. The monthly payments are going to be a lot; but we’ll both work to pay it off as soon as we can. GOD, I NEED TO WIN THE MEGA-LOTTO!

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