Finally Friday! Whoopee!

Although I don’t know why I should get excited about it. Most weekend days are just like any other day for me. Except for SWMBO being home more, that is. Which is always good!

2014-05-03 21.45.09

Not much going on. Been cool, cloudy, and sometimes sprinkling all day. Spent some time scanning Uncle Clarence’s’ pictures, getting the MCARC financial paperwork straightened up and printed for the meeting tomorrow, and  signing the rental agreement with the new Renters. (They seem like nice folks. We stood outside talking for almost an hour after they signed.) Hope this works out.

2014-02-11 21.56.48

OTT, Just nothing. Got my usual chores done. Made myself a lasagna for dinner. News isn’t really News but is noise. I don’t even trust the Wx folks anymore.

2014-05-03 21.46.13

And, again, that’s about it for tonight. Not very exciting.

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