Pretty Normal Weekend! Maybe!

Wow, Times goes by quickly when you’re having fun!

Last Friday SWMBO wanted to have BBQ at "Fat Rascal’s"; but when we got there for lunch the place was closed. Notice on the door about owing back taxes and being closed until further notice. Bummer! Their BBQ is great! So SWMBO drug me down the street to a restaurant that’s opened recently; Gino’s. Talk about delusions of grandeur! The "1/2 sandwich & soup" I had was definitely not worth $14! Bread was too thick, Ham was too thin and there wasn’t enough "stuff" on it. The soup was "Salmon Bisque" and the first 3-4 bites were good. After that the Bay leaf took over and ruined it. SWMBO had the ’chicken alfredo’ and didn’t eat all the chicken because they used the dark meat. GREAT view of the bay and the mountains but the atmosphere (and food) sucked. And really, coming from a ’poor’ man’s point of view; we weren’t served enough food to be worth the $30 we spent there.

But, as with any usual ’date night’, the best part was just spending time with SWMBO.

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Yesterday, Saturday, the weather persons predicted it was going to rain with the possibility of thunder and lightning. Was actually happened was damn near 80 degree’s and sunny. So I spent the day laying out up at the property. Oh, I loaded my truck up with wood I’d cut earlier to make the trip, uh, ’financially feasible’ or worthwhile but otherwise I just layed out trying to burn my ass off. Was great! I mean it was nice up there.

But all good things must end so I got home about 1700. SWMBO wasn’t home from taking our son to COSTCO so I unloaded the truck and started up the lawn mower and mowed the front lawn. Usually, SWMBO mows and I do laundry/dishes. Front lawn was getting pretty overgrown though so I jumped in to give a hand. SWMBO came home as I was putting new cutter string thingies on the mower and took over the mowing. Sokay with me!

Today, Sunday, was my normal first session of church (where I sang particularly well if I do say so myself) then on out to the property. One of the guys gave a talk in which he says: "There are Brothers in leadership positions in the church that refuse to do Home Teaching and I don’t believe they ought to be able to hold a position of authority for their refusal." Well, Brother Bob, I can agree but mostly disagree. I don’t want a Home Teacher that comes over ONLY because he HAS to. I’d rather he just stayed home. (His home.) Some people can’t relate to the family’s they’re assigned to. Some people are uncomfortable around other people or trying to ’teach a lesson.’ Some folks just plain uneasy visiting other people’s homes. Whatever the reason; if they don’t want to I’d rather they didn’t come over. Other than that his talk was disjointed and didn’t seem to keep to the subject he first stated he was going to talk about. Another one of those people that feel they have to mention every damned thing they can mention scripturally in one talk.

The rest of the day went pretty normally for me. Nice out at the property (was supposed to have thunder, lightning and rain again) so I layed out some more (after loaded another load of wood in the truck). Some folks have found the old gravel pit across the road from our property and set up camp and were running their dirt bikes all over down by the river. None came on our property thank goodness. Left there around 1500 to come home and spend some time with SWMBO before she had to take off for choir practice. Was nice.

Spent the evening playing with Vista and installing all the expansion pacs for FSX. Installed X-Plane, FS 2002 & Magix Music Maker also. Running out of space on the hard drive and it still won’t recognize my drives attached to that Rocket IDE controller. But, I did install Vista on this drive just to test it. So far it’s worked pretty good with all the programs I normally use. Only had a couple of programs crash.

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