Working On My Music & Video’s

So, the other evening I video’d a small wind that came through and made a time-lapse movie out of it and uploaded it to my site. It was okay but needed something. So tonight I added music to it. I like this piece of music a whole lot more than any other music I’ve added to my video’s. If you’re interested you can check it out here.

Not much else going on. Spent the day hanging around the house as it was supposed to be really windy and crappy weather; supposed to be. It has been windy, but the power only ’glitched’ once. And of course I have the tub half full of water, charged everything that can be charged and made all kinds of preparations for the power to go out. Which it hasn’t. Which is good! But I hate wasting all that effort.

Made spaghetti for dinner. I take one of those bottled sauces, add some chunky stuff and meat to it and cook it a couple of hours before dinner. Turns out great! Today I got out my KitchenAid mixer and tried to make pasta (thin spaghetti) to go with it. Dough turned out okay, KitchenAid worked great, but I couldn’t get the pasta to stay “separated” (if you know what I mean). It would come out okay then stick together. Looked kind of like a ribbon from a hard drive. ;-) Could have used a rack to hang it all on also. SWMBO say’s it’s okay and she’s cooking it up for a late night snack.


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