Finally Got Paid!

For the job I did last Saturday. And we brought my digger back to the house. This is the first ’commercial’ job with the excavator. Cool! Only made $100 but it’s a start. For a retired Navy Corpsman that fixes computers for work I sure enjoy moving dirt. I’m really thinking about starting a company and doing trenches and brush clearing and minor site prep type work. I think one of the things I like about moving dirt is you can put your body in motion with about 10% of your mind paying attention (as long as your not moving somewhere) and just DIG. It’s kind of relaxing. Virgil says he’ll probably hire me when he needs a space flattened to install a well. Cool! But wouldn’t you know, one of the hoses to the thumb sprung a leak and I gotta replace it!

OTT, not much going on. My elbow is still swollen up and I think I’ll have to go to the Doc and have them aspirate it. Bummer!


Oh yeah! Set up my telescope last night and got a better look at that thing I was describing yesterday. Looks like a globular cluster of stars. ‘Cept there were thin high level clouds and I really couldn’t get my telescope to focus in on it. Will try again when there’s no clouds.

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Not Sure What It Is…

But, right now, at 2333 it’s directly overhead. It’s like a smudge of light or a little almost round spot of light in the sky. Maybe a globular cluster of stars? I don’t know. I’ve been checking it out with my binoculars. Too cold to take the time to set up my telescope right now. It’s kind of cool looking though. If it’s not raining tomorrow night I’ll set up the telescope and check it out. IF I can find it again!

fs9 2007-10-30 17-22-56-96

My landlord, Virgil, had a job for me yesterday so we loaded my digger on his trailer and hauled it to way out in the back country. Spent a couple of hours clearing brush and making a flat spot for him to dig a well. Then spent about half an hour pulling brush out for the owner of the land to find the edge of his drop-off. Was fun. We were supposed to pick up the digger today but Virgil got busy with Little League and got home after dark (I guess). So my digger is still sitting out at in the middle of nowhere.
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Dang I’m Getting Old!

SWMBO ordered two of the ’beach’ movies that came out when we were kids. Watching the ’kids’ gyrate (dancing) and hearing that music we thought was so cool back then; it all looks and sounds really fake now. Sort of what the oldsters thought kids should be like back then. Now even the ’bad’ kids look clean enough to put in a church choir. Yeah, I know they were meant to be comedies, but, damn! I’m almost embarrassed for my generation…:-P

Smallville was pretty good tonight. Show’s getting kind of strange; but I like it. Lana’s turning into a real ’bad’ girl! Cool! They need to bring Ma Kent back! AND CLARK NEEDS TO LEARN TO FLY!!!!!


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Thursday? Already? Damn!

Got an e-mail from SWMBO with a statement from our Broker stating that we’d entered a trade on oil at 93 and it was now at 94.7 (or so) and the margin call on it was $14.5k. ??? Far as I know we haven’t made a trade in weeks! Called the broker and he said not to worry about it as it was a mistake. Someone else’s trade that somehow got put on our account. Too bad because if it had been our trade and we closed it out we’d have made $6700+! B-U-M-M-E-R!! But at least I don’t owe someone $14k! :grin:

Spent most of yesterday backing up my drives and moving wire around trying to make things a bit neater here in the living room. Just the backup of my data takes over 50 Gig. Think it’s about time for me to go through all that stuff and delete what I haven’t used for awhile.

Not much else going on today. Went and got a haircut. It’s nice and sunny outside. Landlord’s helper is putting rain gutters on the house. (Should have been done 25 years ago!) Just waiting for Smallville. Think we’ll have BLT’s and fries for dinner.

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