“Holy Shit I’m In A Bad Mood!”

Window1bDanged Dog chewed up my headpiece of my CPAP sometime yesterday and I didn’t notice until I went to bed (late). I let him know that I was not happy about that and put him outside to spend the night. I also spent a rough sleeping night waking up trying to catch my breath and working on a headache. And the Dog woke me up @ 0415 this morning banging on the front screen door. (Really!)

So I don’t feel good today. Still pissed. Tired. Weak. Breathing heavy. Heart will start to pounding when I do anything moderately active. Even our walk today was mostly open mouth breathing. Sucks!

Mostly, I need to get over being pissed. Fixed the strap he chewed off (beautiful staple job if I do say so myself). May change his name to “Dipshit” though.

Wow. Second cup of coffee today. @ 1300 or all times. Trying to get rid of this semi-headache, I guess. Want to lay down and take a nap. Don’t dare. Don’t want to wind al21up one of those guys that lays down for a short nap, and never wakes up. (Which is the way I’m feeling right about now.)

Just spent 2 hours getting all the “junkware” and “stuff” off her laptop. Man, she’s gotta learn to read the screens when she’s installing something! You cannot just click OK to everything. She had a bunch of so-so bad crap installed. (Nothing really threatening, I don’t think, but stuff that had to slow her laptop down a shitload.) Now to compress the drive to install Linux! (Dual boot for now.)

Got to pick SWMBO up at the QFC tonight and I actually do feel a bit better. I dont know if thats cause I actually feel better, or just that it’s getting near time for me to go lay down.

Whichever, that’s what I’m gonna be doing here pretty quick.

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Another Outstanding WET Sunday

I say outstanding cause I got to spend a lot of time with the love of my life; SWMBO. Wet cause it hasn’t stopped raining even once; that I’ve noticed. And I’ve checked quite often cause the Dog really wants to go for a walk. (I do too. Hate sitting around too much!)


So, been working on the Truck Music USB drive; getting things moved around, re-making play lists, general organization stuff. Only 49 Gig free to add more “stuff” to it though. Hmmm. Maybe I should backup all those pictures I scanned to it? Would come in handy when I travel to visit family and need to get someone identified.

The MCARC 2-meter Sunday Chat Net went well; without me. My signal was all over the place so I mainly just listened in. Couple of New Guys checked in. That’s good.

Other than that it’s just our average, normal, usual lazy Sunday. Rained all day so I haven’t been outside at all. Sucks! Especially after day before yesterday being so nice. Tease!

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Yes, It Is Saturday Night

But we got home from our Date Night early since SWMBO has some homework to do. Which is okay with me since that “learning” is going to let her do what she wants to do the rest of her life. Which is look up Dead People.

We went to the Panda Inn over in East Bremerton and had the all you can eat thingie. Took only one serving for me to be full! Good stuff, Maynard.

Our usual stop at Walmart. I spent $70 on Blu-ray movies and coffee! Phew. But I really like that Ethiopian coffee blend. I may even spend the $90 they want for a box of it on Amazon next month. Good stuff.

So, we be home. Added the new movies to the database (which syncs with my phone so I can finally start not buying duplicates cause I can’t remember what I have) and looking up bra’s on Amazon for SWMBO. Don’t ask.

Not one of the movies I got has that coupon for the online digital copy unless you go through Vudu. I’m NOT joining another site to store something. I’ve too many places where I have stuff now. I need to consolidate my shit. So, if I get any digital copies I’m sticking with the Google site. (I think it’s Google. Yeah, through Google Play or something like that.)

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Bit of Rain. And A Bit Of Rain Too.

Got up late this morning (0730) and felt kind of slow (sleepy) all damned day. Here it is almost bedtime and I still feel tired. I gotta quit doing that!

white1Dog and I managed to make a couple of walks between the raindrops. Took him out a few times and let him just run around to let him work off some of this energy. He took off after birds a couple of times but came back when called. That’s good.

We also drove over to one of the guy’s from the club’s house to look at his camper he’s trying to sell. Not only wasn’t it really in the best of shape (maybe one more trip in it) (I could have worked with that though) it was way too long for my truck. I have a 6 ft bed and this thing was built for an 8 ft bed. Huge Camper! It just wouldn’t have worked. Ah, well. Craig’s List here I come again.

Popped a bag of popcorn and set a trap for any large mice/rats that might be coming in through the garage. I cannot find anyplace where they might be getting in except for unders the stair coming in from the garage. (And I’m not even really sure about that.) Next time it quits raining for any goodly amount of time I’ll walk around the outside of the house again for another look.

I’m going to bed. I’m tired.

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