Fairly Normal Friday

Got out to the property and moved dirt around for a couple of hours yesterday. Started digging a trench from the dome hole opening to where the dome will be. Gotta get the water, electrical, phone and cable lines underground before summer. Read somewhere that leaving them above ground will degrade the pvc/coverings. Was nice out there when the sun wasn’t hidden by a cloud. Worked on that a few hours before rushing home to BBQ a couple of pork chops for us for dinner. They was good! :grin:

Pretty normal Friday except that I slept pretty late. SWMBO kept me up kind of late last night. Mostly sat around ripping my movies (I AM going to get them all ripped and on a drive or two) and playing with Divx 720p format. Looks good but the files are Huge! About 1430 SWMBO and I took off for Silverdale and the mall.

Walked the mall then SWMBO took me to Red Lobster for LobsterFest. So I got the Ultimate Feast. Was good if a bit expensive. We could have eaten at the Food Court in the mall and it would have been okay with me as long as I was with SWMBO. Know what I mean?

Skipped our usual Albertson’s trip and came on home. We really need only a couple of items and with me along we’d probably spend too much. SWMBO’s going to stop by for those after she get’s done with the Genealogy Library tomorrow. Been watching "Hell In The Pacific" a documentary about WWI and the Japanese. Learned LOTS of things I never knew. Think I’ll add it to my Netflix Que…


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