Wow! Talk About “Out Of The Blue”…

A guy that used to work for me WAY back when I ran sick bay on the Turner Joy just sent me an e-mail. Joe Hudock, who I remember as a young Hospitalman (HN). He didn’t say much but I answered his message so we’ll see…

Not much happening on the homefront. Raining too much to get out to the property and push dirt around. Me and Poop Dog did get out there for awhile yesterday to start the dozer and let it run a bit. Walked around. Well, I walked around. Poop Dog ZOOMED around the whole time we were there!

Got the guesstimate from PCI on the Special Inspectors; $10,847.00! Phew. That just about puts us out of the building in Mason County category! But, I checked online for land over Thurston County way; nothing available that we could move to. Kathy has to be within an hours drive of a Group Health facility for work purposes. Damn! But I did manage to get the Mayes company to consider submitting a guesstimate. Let’s see what theirs is before going any further.

SWMBO’s been getting ready for her trip to Ohio…

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