Damn Fine Last Couple Of Days!

Me? I spent a LOT of time out at the property moving things around or cutting wood and bringing it home. It’s all stacked outside waiting for me to split and stack it. I just love this hot weather! Up at the property wearing nothing but flip-flops!

Took Kat to see “Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer” last night. Wasn’t hardly anyone in the theater. Didn’t like this one as much as the first one; even though the Silver Surfer was one of the comics I read when I was (much!) younger. Did like the special effects (they did the Silver Surfer pretty good!) but the quality of the film overall was lacking. Ah well…


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The Broken Mower…

When our lawn mower broke and wouldn’t run, my wife kept hinting to me that I should get it fixed.  But, somehow I always had something else to take care of first, the truck, the car, playing golf - always something more important to me.

Finally she thought of a clever way to make her point. When I arrived home one day, I found her seated in the tall grass, busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing scissors.

I watched silently for a short time and then went into the house. I was gone only a minute, and when I came out again I handed her a toothbrush.

I said, “When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway.”

The doctors say I will walk again, but I will always have a limp…

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Has A Week Really Gone By?

Damn! Mostly been out at the property moving dirt around with my digger. Kind of fun and relaxing in it’s own way. The weather’s been pretty good lately.

Had Bob (The Dirt Guy) and his dozer out for the 5 hours he owed me. Damn, can that man move dirt! He did a lot that would have taken me forever with the digger. Dome hole, the clearing and the road all look pretty good now. (I’ll take pictures tomorrow.)

Kathy brought lunch out and we did some measuring for fence and deck and other things. It’s nice having her out there.

And that’s about it. Oh, had my double-nickel birthday the other day. Kathy bought me TOOLS. Cool! Got a pneumatic brad nailer, finish nailer & Staple Gun (and the tank and compressor) AND she got me a Miter Saw. (Thank Goodness for the Home Depot Card!!)



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Pretty Good Day If I Do Say So Myself!

Went out to the property and pushed some more dirt around and started pulling out the Scotsbroom or whatever it is. Moving downed trees in the clearing. Generally just having a good time.

Took SWMBO to see the Pirates 3 movie. Was okay. Thought it was about an hour too long though. Still being out with my favorite girl has it’s good points too!

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