What The Heck’s Been Going On, Stan? You Ask…

Mostly pretty much SSDD except for the following:

Thurs the 25th the Ham Radio Club I belong to (NMARES) had their annual picnic at the Allyn Waterfront Park. It went really well. About 30 people showed up; members and visitors from the “other” clubs. Burgers were great! I had to be there early to help set up, and stayed until the end to clean up, but it was a beautiful day so I didn’t mind. Besides, the President of the club should stay for it all.


Friday SWMBO and I went to breakfast at the Family Pancake House in Port Orchard and came back home as we really didn’t have much shopping to do. What little we had to get she could get on the way home from the Genealogy Library Saturday. I did wind up going to MacDonald’s for a Chicken Caesar Salad for her for dinner cause I didn’t feel like making anything. Cheeseburger & fries for me!


Saturday I spent all day at the Allyn Waterfront Park providing emergency communications for the annual Rhapsody Bike Ride. Not just me! Hams from Kitsap through Mason back into Thurston Counties set up “command posts” and roving patrols to follow about 300 “bike” riders along the routes. It was fun and boring but nice and sunny and warm. Even got fed!

Early evening SWMBO and I went to Casper’s Pizza & BBQ here in Belfair for dinner. They make a pretty good pizza! I was still pretty much stuffed from being fed at the bike ride so I could eat only half of my “personal sized” pizza. Ah well. The rest of it is sitting in the refer and I’ll probably finish it off tomorrow as I don’t usually have to fix dinner on Monday’s anyway.


Can’t remember much else going on since I last posted. Mostly just been enjoying this great wx: Sunny and HOT for Warshington. Been just sitting out in the sun a lot. Sun & Heat has been great for out “garden” though. I even have tomato’s turning red!

Did “work” South Korea the other night. That was cool!

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