So, Who’s Bright Idea

At Keystone RV, was it to make the (retractable) awning on the RV almost black? Sitting out under it yesterday, in the sunny 82 degree heat it felt kinda warm. So:

I mean, really? 144 degrees. I’ve cooked things in the oven at 144 degrees. So I’m wondering if I can paint it or put some kind of flexible plastic covering over the top of it (the awning) without voiding my warranty? Pretty bad when it’s cooler to sit out in the direct sunlight than sit under the awning.

We walked the mall last Friday for Date Day (where SWMBO got her ears re-pierced) after going to Red Robin for a burger. Good burger. Not really worth $11 good burger; but good burger nonetheless. Seriously, at most it’s a $5 burger, with fries, but that’s the way it is.

We ate at Carl’s Junior yesterday on our way to WinCo (we always try to have a full stomach when we go shopping for food) and it was $14 and all SWMBO had was a burger. No fries no drink; just a burger. I had the burger combo. $14. I remember when $14 would feed a family of 5 at the burger joint. And those were good burgers with everything, fries, and drinks.

Ah, progress.

Lot of burger this weekend. Sometimes you get a hankering for a taste of the sacrificial meat cooked over an open flame that cannot be denied. This was our weekend for that. I like the Whopper Jr., but SWMBO already ate at Burger King (chicken sandwich) on her way to the Genealogy Library. Her usual routine on Saturday morning.

While SWMBO was working the Genealogy Library (and before we went shopping for food), I went back to the Silverdale Mall to visit with the Bremerton Model Railroad Club and check out their layout. Nice. No, I’m not joining because model railroading doesn’t really interest me beyond looking at other layouts and watching the little choo-choo’s go around the tracks. I check these things out because they are interesting, and for places to take my Father-in-law when he comes out to visit because he is seriously into model railroading. (He had a 2nd story added to his house way back when specifically for his model railroad.) So, the more places I can take him that he’s interested in, the less I have to entertain him. Not that I do a lot of that anyway.

Then I went over and spent way too little money at Home Depot before heading home. Oscillating sprinkler heads $9.58 times 2. Plus tax. Not nearly enough to walk out of Home Depot. I could get 10 sheets of good plywood, 200 2×4’s (which aren’t actually 2×4 anymore), boxes of different screws and nails and that workbench and that picnic table and those shelf units and those kitchen cabinets for the MILA and those new french doors to go out onto the deck and that shower enclosure and etc etc etc.

Yep, I was lucky to get out of there only $20 broker. And I had the Home Depot card with me. Don’t let me win the Lotto.

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